Sunday November 20, 2022

daily reflections

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

DISCOVER TODAY: We belong to God’s kingdom when we lovingly serve others with Christ.

Good News Reflection for:

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
November 20, 2022

Today’s Prayer:

Beloved Lord Jesus: Give me the grace to recognize and surrender to you in the most difficult moments of my life. Amen.

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Today’s Readings:

2 Samuel 5:1-3
Ps 122:1-5
Colossians 1:12-20
Luke 23:35-43
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

What the authority of Jesus looks like

[ Listen to the podcast of this reflection ]

In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, one of the criminals hanging next to Jesus on the cross represents us. Jesus is our king and we want to spend eternity with him in his kingdom. As long as we have this attitude, there is no reason to doubt that when we die we will join Jesus in Paradise.

As the king of heaven, Jesus has the right and the authority to choose who is allowed into his kingdom. And as this Good Friday thief shows us, Jesus says, “Yes, come in, welcome!” to anyone who recognizes his authority.

Let’s look at what the authority of Jesus is like. At the Last Supper, when he washed the feet of his disciples, he made it clear that the heavenly king exerts his authority by serving those who belong to his kingdom.

The next day, he took a crown of thorns instead of a crown of gold, because the glory of his kingship is not represented by earthly treasures but by riches that are given to others, the personal sacrifices that are motivated by love, even for those who don’t deserve it.

After his resurrection, although he’d been healed from the destruction of death, his five crucifixion wounds were not healed. To this day, he still bears those wounds as a continual reminder to us that he does not use his authority for his own benefit, but for ours. Earthly kings wear expensive rings on their hands; our heavenly king wears the marks of sacrifice.

We belong to God’s kingdom when we lovingly serve others with Christ, when we understand the glory of giving generously to others, of making personal sacrifices, and of loving those who don’t deserve our love.

If we offer to Jesus our sufferings because we realize that they have value, we wear the five wounds of Jesus in our souls. Of course we will join Jesus in Paradise — we have already united ourselves to him!

Questions for Personal Reflection:
Reflect on a time when you submitted yourself to Christ’s authority by obeying a difficult teaching of the Church or by doing something Christ-like that you didn’t want to do. Did you feel loved by God? Did you feel served? What will you do to become more aware of his service to you? What are you holding onto today that does not belong to his kingdom? What will you do this week to allow Jesus to be your king in every area of your life?

Questions for Family & Community Faith Sharing:
Name some of the ways that Jesus serves us. Does he do it directly to you or through other people in his kingdom? When you serve others, how is this a recognition of the kingship and authority of Christ?

© 2022 by Terry A. Modica

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