Saturday July 13, 2024

Be courageous. Proclaim Jesus from the housetops!

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

“What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light; what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.” (Matthew 10:27)

Good News Reflection for:

Saturday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time
July 13, 2024

Today’s Readings:

Isaiah 6:1-8
Psalm 93:1-2, 5
Matthew 10:24-33
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

Courage! Speak up!

cancelled manAre we supposed to stay silent about the truths of the Catholic Faith when we’re with those who have fallen prey to worldly thinking and the false teachings of Satan? They don’t want to hear the truth.

Anti-Christian sentiment has grown a lot stronger and become more obvious. We’re berated and condemned and sometimes even beaten for not agreeing with sinners. Almost all of us have lost relationships because the truth is divisive.

In Matthew 10:28, Jesus tells us to “be not afraid” to speak up about the truth. Even when there might be repercussions, we need not be afraid. If we have the attitude of, “Yes, I’m willing”, the Holy Spirit gives us the words and the supernatural, joyful peace that reassures us of our union with Christ.

In verse 27, Jesus is telling us: “What I say to you in the darkness of today’s world, speak up about it in the light of my Mercy. What the Holy Spirit’s quiet voice tells you to say, proclaim it from the housetops, boldly and confidently. And do not be afraid of those who might attack you. Even if they kill you, they cannot kill your soul; you will go straight to Heaven!” So, here we have it: a sure way to skip Purgatory.

When we push past our initial trepidation, we experience supernatural, joyful peace from the Holy Spirit, Who is always ready to make it easier than we imagine it to be. 

Gone are the days when we could convince unbelievers of the truth by explaining it them. Today we live in a world where sins have been multiplying for a long time and thus the influence of demons is stronger than ever. Sinners are literally enslaved to the lies that make their sins seem good.

But in the midst of this, many young people who were never churched are getting quite dissatisfied with the ungodly behavior that’s all around them. We never know who’s hungry for the faith until we speak up about the Good News.

It’s actually very easy: Plant the truth like seeds. Don’t argue. Don’t get caught up in a debate. Just speak what the Holy Spirit puts peacefully into your mind to share and then silently pray. Although the seeds might fall on hard ground, God is tilling their soil by using hardships to get their attention. Your calling is to forgive them, sow the truth when the Holy Spirit provides the opportunity, and water the seeds with your prayers. Christ will do the rest. The days are coming when many will be set free from the devil’s grip!

BTW, Jesus shows us how to handle disbelievers. See

© 2024 by Terry A. Modica

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Terry's books, The Father's Heart, and My Soul Shall Be Healed

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