Thursday October 3, 2024

God is always doing what's best for us

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

God is good to all of us simply because God is good.

Good News Reflection for:

Thursday of the 26th Week of Ordinary Time
October 3, 2024

Today’s Prayer:

Thank You, Lord, for allowing me to feel Your presence and share your presence with others. Amen.

Powerful Catholic prayers are available on our YouTube channel.

Today’s Readings:

Job 19:21-27
Psalm 27:7-9, 13-14
Luke 10:1-12
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

Simply because God is good

[ Listen to the podcast of this reflection ]

Think of something that you’re waiting for, that you’re hoping will soon happen, something that you’ve been asking from God with many prayers of yearning and heart-felt supplications. Has God been ignoring your prayers?

Today’s responsorial Psalm, especially verse 13, is one of my most necessary favorite scriptures. When the Holy Spirit was first teaching me about longevity in prayer during great difficulty, the Lord made this verse pop into view quite often.

He enjoys giving us comfort and hope. If it seems like your prayers for an end to your current trials will never be answered, remind God and yourself (out loud!) of this promise in his Word: “I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.” Amen! Alleluia!

In today’s first reading, poor Job is still waiting to see the return of the good things in life. But rather than despairing, because he has confidence in the goodness of God, he trusts that he won’t have to die first before he sees the glory of the Lord. He says that in his flesh – i.e., in this life on earth – he shall see God.

The key to Job’s confidence is expressed in the next line: “My inmost being is consumed with longing.” Longing for what? The return of good things? No – he longs for God. He knows that his friendship with God is essential; it’s of utmost importance, and from this all else will follow, not because of his own goodness, not because he has earned the right to have his prayers answered, not because he deserves anything, but simply because God is good.

God is good to all of us simply because God is good.

Sometimes, we think that our prayers are answered because we’ve prayed the right words or said enough rosaries. That’s not true prayer; that’s bargaining. God answers our prayers simply because he is good and what we’ve asked for is good for us. The rosaries and other prayer efforts we make are a practice in self-discipline to align ourselves more closely to God, not to align God with us.

Sometimes, we think our prayers go unanswered because we’re not good enough. Well, in fact we are never good enough! God is always doing what’s best for us – and for all those who are affected by the prayed-over situation – simply because he is good.

He who is good cannot do anything but good, no matter what, all the time.

I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living. Before I die! You can believe it, too: Experience some of the joy of heaven while you’re still on earth. This really is God’s plan for you – simply because he is good.

For more on this see our video “The Power of Hope” @

© by Terry A. Modica, Good News Ministries

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Terry's books, The Father's Heart, and My Soul Shall Be Healed

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