Wednesday January 8, 2025

"Fear nothing,

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

Fear is concern minus trust in God.

Good News Reflection for:

Wednesday after Epiphany
January 8, 2025

Today’s Prayer:

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for revealing to us our Father’s love when we are obedient and humble. Amen.

Daily Prayer and ReflectionIMPROVE YOUR DAY!
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Today’s Readings:

1 John 4:11-18
Ps 72:1-2, 10-13
Mark 6:45-52
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

Take courage!

[ Listen to the podcast of this reflection ]

What do you need more courage to do? In today’s first reading we learn that courage, which replaces fear, is one of the fruits of love. Why? Well, think about this: How can we be afraid of anything if we know — I mean, really know — that God loves us and cares about us? This is the Lord who is infinitely bigger and more powerful than anything we could fear!

The feeling of fear is rooted in the idea that God doesn’t always love us enough or care about our circumstances enough to meet our every need and save us from everything that seems fearsome. But if we’ve been doing our best to make decisions through the Holy Spirit’s help and to follow Jesus and to remain united to God, every fear is baseless.

What’s going on in your life that’s bad and might get worse? What are you afraid might happen? What’s the worst-case scenario? Have you turned this over to God? Can you relax knowing that God cares?

It’s right to feel concerned. We know that bad stuff does happen because we (or our loved ones) have made bad decisions. We rightfully care about the trials we’re enduring.

However, when fear takes this healthy concern and twists it into anxious worry, it takes our eyes off of Jesus and makes us dwell on all that’s wrong and all that might go wrong, and thus we forget about the faithful love of God. Fear is concern minus trust in God.

Perfect love drives out all fear. What is “perfect” love? In scripture, the word “perfect” does not mean “without mistakes”. It means “complete and total and full.” God’s love is perfect: He cares about us without making mistakes and also without lacking anything that’s good for us. Jesus is all that we need for all that we need! Therefore, when we turn to God and trust in the fullness of his love, fear dissolves into powerless nothingness.

Every crucifix we see is a reminder that we can trust in God’s goodness. If Jesus died for you enduring great pain and suffering, won’t he also do everything else for you that is delightful to him? This is why, in today’s Gospel passage, Jesus says, “Get a hold of yourself! Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid!”

In any fearsome situation, Jesus walks with us. He keeps us afloat even when we think we’re drowning. Does his presence at your side seem real to you? Or does he seem more like a ghost: intangible and unavailable, unable to make a difference? This can be quite scary! If so, he’s shaking his head, saying, “Stop that! I am here. Don’t be afraid!”

Fear takes half-truths and completely false assumptions and blows them up bigger than we can handle. So shut out its lies and its images! Keep your eyes on Jesus! Listen to him say: “My beloved one, why are you afraid? I am with you always. Be assured that no disaster will overwhelm you nor destroy what I have given to you, for I will turn every storm into a blessing. Fear nothing, dear friend. Fear nothing, for my love is sufficient.”

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© by Terry A. Modica, Good News Ministries

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Terry's books, The Father's Heart, and My Soul Shall Be Healed

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