Friday January 10, 2025
Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica
We are the proof that heaven is real.
Good News Reflection for:
Friday after Epiphany
January 10, 2025
Today’s Prayer:
Forgive me Lord, because many times I am worried about things that will never change my life. Thank you because you call me to raise my eyes to You, my source of abundant life. Amen.
Powerful Catholic prayers are available on our YouTube channel
Today’s Readings:
1 John 5:5-13
Ps 147:12-15, 19-20
Luke 5:12-16
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:
Proving that heaven is real
You know you’re going to heaven, right? As it says in today’s first reading, we have proof that Jesus is giving us eternal life — proof provided by God himself through the baptismal water of repentance and adoption, and through the sacrificial baptism of the Christ’s blood, and through the Spirit of Truth who lives within us.
There are three ways in which the Holy Spirit testifies that Jesus is giving heaven to us: First, the Spirit overshadowed the Virgin Mary to conceive Jesus miraculously. Second, when Jesus arose from the waters of his own baptism — the “initiation rite” of his public ministry — the Spirit descended upon him. Third, when Jesus shed his blood for us, he commended his Spirit to the Father, which then arose from death to carry you and me into eternal life.
These three proofs are of one accord. They work together to speak the same message. And now that we’ve been given the Holy Spirit of Jesus himself, we are the proof that heaven is real.
Do you ever feel like you don’t have much value? God’s Spirit in you gives testimony that you have tremendous value! Extremely important value! First, when you were conceived in your mothers’ womb, you were made in the image and likeness of God. By being who God created you to be, you, whom others can see, reveal to the world what God is like, whom they cannot see.
Second, in the sacrament of your baptism, the Spirit descended upon you and the Father said of you, “This is my beloved child, in whom I am very pleased!” Thus you were initiated into the ministry of Christ and you have been sent forth to give his love and healing and salvation to the world in which you live, work, and serve.
Third, when you allow your sufferings to be an offering of love for others, your sacrifice is visible evidence of Christ’s sacrifice. This sacrifice will not destroy your spirit but will purify it and strengthen it. Your continued life in the Holy Spirit will help Jesus carry others into eternal life, because it’s a testimony about how God resurrects goodness from every bad situation.
How well are you translating this testimony into a language that others can understand? More specifically, are you giving yourself to others in ways that will allow them to experience what is valuable in you? Are you in a ministry of some sort, changing the world by sharing with others the gifts that God has given to you? If so, you are the true presence of Christ. And this is how you can be assured that you’re going to heaven. And this is how you take others with you into eternal life.
For more on this subject, use our WordByte, “Who is the Holy Spirit?” @
© by Terry A. Modica, Good News Ministries
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