Saturday February 1, 2025

fear not, do not be afraid

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

Fear can destroy the quality of life, and it does. Any kind of fear that is demonically induced is meant to interfere with your relationship with God.

Good News Reflection for:

Saturday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time
February 1, 2025

Today’s Readings:

Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19
Lk 1:69-75
Mark 4:35-41
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

What do you fear?

Do you need to hear Jesus say to you today: “Be not afraid”?

That’s what I want to help you hear today. And I’m going to share with you how to conquer fear: how to move from fear’s grip on you to holy boldness, to the courage that God the Father created you to have – yes, he created you to have! He made us in his image. Take a look at the courage that Jesus had when he was condemned, when he was persecuted, when people spoke unkindly about him, when people argued with him, and when he went to the Cross. Courage through and through! The kind of courage that made him determined to keep on going and at the same time to have peace about it. That’s what he wants for you in your daily life.

One of the demons that’s very common is the spirit of fear. Demons want us to be afraid because fear can ruin our faith. They can ruin our lives. Fear can destroy the quality of life, and it does. Any kind of fear that is demonically induced is designed to interfere with your relationship with God.

There’s a strategy going on behind that. In anything that’s a grave sin – a big sin, a mortal sin – demons say, “Hey, this person has opened up a door, and I’m going to take advantage of that.” That’s a fact. That happens to every single person who opens up their door through sin. And you need to close those doors. The Sacrament of Confession will close those doors and will bring you deliverance from demons.

Another source of fear is the ways we’ve been hurt in the past. These become causes of fear. It’s a natural fear that’s built into us, that’s been programmed into us by the abuses that we endured. That kind of fear needs inner healing. That kind of fear needs to be routed out and healed through going to a spiritual director who knows how to provide inner healing, or maybe (depending on how much abuse you endured and what kind of abuse) you need to go to a therapist, a counselor, a psychologist – somebody who can help you cope with and heal from the abuses you endured.

And while you’re going through the healing process, it also helps to go through a mental process of differentiating: “What humans have done to me that hurt me, those are traits that are not of God. God doesn’t do that. God doesn’t have those traits.” When you make that differentiation, you receive healing in that too.

© 2025 by Terry A. Modica

The reflection above comes from the podcast episode called “Be Not Afraid.” Do you want to become more victorious over fear? Watch this:

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Terry's books, The Father's Heart, and My Soul Shall Be Healed

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