Sunday February 2, 2025
Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica
Have you consecrated your life to God? What about consecrating your death to God, too?
Good News Reflection for:
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
February 2, 2025
Today’s Prayer:
Lord, in this moment I consecrate my life to You again. May all my deeds, my words and my thoughts be only for Your Glory. Amen.
Powerful Catholic prayers are available on our YouTube channel.
Today’s Readings:
Malachi 3:1-4
Ps 24:7-10
Hebrews 2:14-18
Luke 2:22-40
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:
How you, too, can be consecrated to God
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, recalling the consecration of the baby Jesus by Joseph and Mary. Because the infant was consecrated to God, his whole life and even his death were consecrated to God — for our sake.
Have you consecrated your life to God?
What about consecrating your death to God, too? Even your dying breath can serve God if you ask him to give you the opportunity. What kind of a testimony will your passage from earth to heaven be for those you leave behind?
At your baptism, you were reborn into the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, but have you consciously consecrated your life to him? This is a daily decision, even a moment-by-moment renewal of the decision, not just a one-time baptismal ceremony.
This means being in a constant state of prayer, no matter how busy we are.
It means tuning to God and acting on faith instead of reacting to circumstances.
It means getting in touch with God in our hearts and not letting our heads fool us into thinking we’re living on the heart-level when we’re not.
It means identifying what we are attached to in this world, then letting go so that we can become attached only to God.
It means staying spiritually awake.
It means deliberately growing in holiness each and every day.
It means continually asking ourselves, in each and every situation that occurs, “Am I experiencing God’s love right now? If not, what must I do to unite myself to his love? Am I living in his love right now by giving it to others, even though it might be very difficult to do? If not, I choose to force myself to behave lovingly.”
For Personal Reflection:
Pray this if you want to consecrate your life to God: Lord Jesus, help me to live the consecrated life each and every moment. Holy Spirit, make me aware of the times I fail to do this, and show me how to re-consecrate my life to You. Loving Father, accept my desire to be consecrated to You, and help me to immerse myself more fully into Your generous love for me. Amen!
Questions for Community Faith Sharing:
Have you consecrated your life to God? Describe what that decision was like. Why did you do it? What changed? How does consecrating our lives to God help us grow spiritually? What are some of the struggles we face in trying to live out our consecration?
© by Terry A. Modica, Good News Ministries
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