May 19 – Saint Dunstan
O My Savior, Saint Dunstan (c.909-988) was a bishop who served the king of England as his personal advisor, until he directed the monarch to give up his degenerate sexual ways. Because the king wanted to remain blind to his sinfulness, he exiled the bishop. In certain ways, I am blind, too. I ask Saint Dunstan to pray for me to become willing to face my sinfulness and repent, and to pray for my friends and family members. He is also the patron of physically blind people, so I ask him to intercede for the needs of those who have poor or non-existent vision. Help us all to see You more clearly, dear Lord. Saint Dunstan, pray for us. Amen.
Quote for Today
Blessed Alcuin (730-804)
Feast day May 19
Throw yourself upon Christ’s mercy, crying: ‘My Love and my Stronghold, my Protector and Liberator, in whom my heart has put its hope.'”
The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.
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