July 7 – Saint Syrus of Genoa
Blessed Lord, Saint Syrus of Genoa (d.381) was a bishop whose virtuous life was such a powerful witness of mercy and charity and miraculous powers that Christianity spread throughout his diocese and beyond. I ask him to pray for me to be able to examine myself honestly—looking at how strong or weak I am in the virtues. O Lord, show me how much of a difference my piety makes in the people around me. To the extent that they complain about me, teach me how to become more like You, so that it is the virtues they see in me and not my sin. Multiply the little good that is in me to reveal Your great love. Saint Syrus of Genoa, pray for me. Amen.
Quote for Today
Blessed Peter To Rot (1912-1945)
Feast day July 7
I will never say enough to the Christians about the dignity and the great importance of the Sacrament of Marriage.”
The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.
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