Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica
If we do not love as Jesus loves, our faith seems pointless.
Good News Reflection for:
Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Advent
December 24, 2024
Today’s Prayer:
I praise You and thank You, Lord Jesus my Savior, because You reveal yourself to those humble hearts who are waiting in silence to be loved and raised up to You. Amen.
Powerful Catholic prayers are available on our YouTube channel.
Today’s Readings:
2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16
Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29
Luke 1:67-79
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:
Called to be heralds of faith
In this final day of Advent, the Church gives us Zechariah’s prophecy about John the Baptist to remind us that Jesus is the reason for the season, and because John is an example of who we are. We are not the Savior, but we do carry the Savior within us. We all share the responsibility of helping others have faith in Jesus.
We’re not able to rescue people from darkness; that’s the Savior’s role. God did not give us the ability to bring lost, inactive Catholics back to church; only the Good Shepherd can do that. We were not created with the power to heal the sick, free addicts from slavery to whatever drugs them, or give sight and understanding to those who are blind to the teachings of the Church; these are gifts that only the Son of God can provide.
We are heralds of the good news that Jesus provides these gifts. This is the calling of all Christians: We are sent forth from our own personal experiences of faith to proclaim the truth about Jesus with our lives and, when the Spirit leads, with our words. We have an extremely important responsibility to let others know that Jesus helps all those who seek him.
To the extent that we’ve allowed our faith in Christ to help us and redeem us in the midst of our problems, that’s the extent to which we can inspire others so that they want to turn to him, too. We are evangelizers whenever we let others know that our faith makes a difference.
It’s the glow of our faith in Christ that enlightens the faith of others like the dawn from on high, shining on those who dwell in darkness, guiding our feet into the way of peace. We are like the words on a sign; first people have to see the sign before they will read the message. Our actions prove our faith in Jesus; these are what get people’s attention.
As heralds, we prepare a way into people’s hearts for the Lord to enter – but not by words alone. Words are not enough to convince people that they need to come to church to worship Jesus and receive him. If we have no joy, our faith seems to be a burden instead of a gift. If we do not love as Jesus loves, our faith seems pointless.
We give people knowledge of salvation and forgiveness of their sins only if the overcoming of our own sins increases our faith in the tender mercy of God. Our faith in Christ, when publicly visible, is proof that he guides our feet onto the path of peace and helps us escape from the marathon journey of darkness, cynicism, and unhealed sufferings.
That’s how Christ is born more fully into the world. That’s how the Savior beams his light of truth into the darkness of others, picks them up and carries them safely in his arms to healing and freedom and forgiveness.
How much effort do you put into your responsibility as a herald of good news? It’s critically important. It has eternal significance. Let the gift of the Lord’s love shine from you with the ever-increasing confidence of faith, which is only possible if you keep your eyes on Jesus.
In the new season of Christmas, may our lives proclaim true faith!
For more on the topic of this subject, see our WordByte, “How a baby teaches us to have peace” @
© by Terry A. Modica, Good News Ministries
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