calender of eventsGood News Ministries offers Catholic online events that can be used by individuals, faith sharing groups, and parish Adult Education programs.

If you want ideas on how to turn any of our online events into a parish event, contact us.

Terry's Corner

Welcome to Terry’s Corner

Join Terry’s Corner, a community that gathers to learn, heal, and pray. This is a safe and confidential space. You’ll have the opportunity to ask Terry questions, be heard, and learn from the successes of others, all within the privacy of confidentiality.

Upcoming Event:
The Workshop on the Father’s Heart

Wednesdays April 19 – June 7

WHAT: Terry’s Corner Zoom meetings on the Father’s Heart
WHEN: 2:00pm EDT or 5:00pm EDT (both are open)
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The Father's HeartWHY: Meet Terry Modica on Zoom for live discussions on her book The Father’s Heart. This study group is a great way to discipline yourself to get the chapters finished so that you can have the best ever relationship with Father God.
HOW: The study group will meet on Wednesdays, starting on April 19, for 8 weeks. (Time to be announced.) Get your copy of the book now! Allow time for printing and shipping. Visit
To register for the 2:00pm EDT Zoom meeting, visit

To register for the 5:00pm EDT Zoom meeting, visit


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