Thursday January 30, 2025

Jesus empowers us

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

Addressing the reasons why people stray invites growth and change.

Good News Reflection for:

Thursday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time
January 30, 2025

Today’s Prayer:

Forgive me, Lord, for the times I refused my brothers’ and sisters’ corrections. Forgive me for not correcting the others with mercy and humbleness. Thank You for reminding me that we are all necessary to build Your Church. Amen.

Daily Prayer and ReflectionUNITE IN COMMUNITY PRAYER!
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Today’s Readings:

Hebrews 10:19-25
Ps 24:1-6
Mark 4:21-25
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

How to help others become more loving

[ Listen to the podcast of this reflection ]

“We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works,” says today’s first reading. We all know people who need to be roused (i.e., awakened in the faith), people who stay away from our assembly, whose paths need to be redirected back to the faith.

Perhaps you’re dealing with someone who’s self-centered and arrogant, who’s ignoring your needs and who’s uncaring toward others. People like this need to be roused into the daylight of truth so that they’ll want to change. And what about those who profess to be good Catholics while disobeying God’s will?

We have been commissioned to be the voice of Christ awakening them into a life of unconditional, selfless love, good deeds, and moral obedience. But how do we do this? Scripture tells us to “consider” the possibilities. Study the situation, get to know the persons you want to rouse. What woundedness and worldly training has made them unloving and selfish? What are they struggling with, and would they like to be free of it?

Once we understand their situations, we can look for an opportunity to invite them to trade up to something better, e.g., a relationship with Jesus that will heal them, a better understanding of being loved so that they can more generously give love, an appreciation of their giftedness and how it benefits others, etc.

There are valid reasons why people stray from the path of holiness. By identifying and addressing those reasons, we can become more effective in encouraging them to change. If we only tell them the law that they’re breaking in order to explain how they should change, we chase them away.

Addressing the reasons why people stray invites growth and change; addressing the need to change only invites stubbornness and running farther away. The first method takes much time and patience, a lot of effort and a willingness to serve those who are not pleasant to befriend. The other method is an easy-for-us short-cut that requires no loving sacrifices from us. It usually fails.

The first method means that we are light glowing from the lampstand that Jesus mentions in today’s Gospel reading. The other method is a measurement that we ourselves do not wish to be measured by, for when our own sinfulness is identified, the little love we do have is taken away by our lack of humility. If we’re condemning others, you can bet that others are busy condemning us for our arrogance!

God has placed into our lives people who need us to encourage them into greater holiness, greater love, and greater generosity in good works. But he has also given these people to us so that we will grow in holiness, love and good works. Isn’t that a scary bit of irony!

For more on this, use our WordByte, “How to do effective ministry” @

© by Terry A. Modica, Good News Ministries

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