Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica
We really have nothing to worry about, because God is worthy of our trust.
Good News Reflection for:
Thursday of the 4th week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of Saint Paul Miki, Priest and Martyr, and his Companions, Martyrs
February 6, 2025
Today’s Prayer:
Lord Jesus: Make my heart be always rooted in You. Deliver me from everything that might take away my freedom to follow You wherever you lead me. Amen.
Powerful Catholic prayers are available on our YouTube channel.
Today’s Readings:
Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24
Ps 48:2-4, 9-11
Mark 6:7-13
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:
The miraculous power of trust
The instructions of Jesus in today’s Gospel reading don’t exactly fit our modern culture of suitcases on wheels. Gone are the days when people in ministry could visit a home or parish wearing the same old, over-worn, smelly tunic, day after day.
But Jesus isn’t really talking about our wardrobes. He’s teaching us about trust. To spread the Good News, we must trust God and the resources that he provides through the people that he puts into our path. Rather than teaching us to be self-sufficient, he wants us to learn that only God is truly sufficient. He wants us to be generous givers of his blessings and to be humble recipients.
If we do the packing and decide what to take along when God gives us a task to do, we’re only working with our natural, very limited abilities. We need to grow beyond ourselves. The supernatural is what changes people’s hearts, but to reveal God’s supernatural presence, what’s needed first is trust. Look at the depth of trust that Jesus describes:
“Take no food” means we have to be totally at the mercy of the people we’re called to evangelize. Their hearts will open up to the love of God when they choose to care about us and serve us. To avoid interfering with this heart-expanding paradigm, we have to cheerfully receive whatever they offer, even if it’s not what we like.
“Take no traveling bag” means we carry with us only the simplest of necessities. For example, if we’re asked to care for someone who is hurting and in need of a compassionate friend, we’d better not drag along the baggage of our own hurts, nor our prejudices nor the advice we think we should give, but we should instead rely on the Holy Spirit’s inspirations.
“Take no money” does not mean “Mastercard: Don’t leave home without it.” Who is the true Master of our money? If it’s Jesus, we trust that he’s capable of obtaining what we need from a fish’s mouth! Of course, if God has gifted us with an income, we should earn it worthily and use it, just as Saint Paul did when he made tents to sell while he traveled as an evangelist. However, if we’re waiting for our bank account to get “big enough” before we serve God, it never will. It’s a delay tactic; it’s certainly not trust.
Trust is the cure for worry. We really have nothing to worry about, because God is worthy of our trust. We must trust him. Therein lies the miraculous power of evangelization.
For more on this subject, use our WordByte “What Motivates You During Tough Times” @
© by Terry A. Modica, Good News Ministries
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