Charlie & Jeanne Osburn
Charlie & Jeanne Osburn

Good News Ministries of Tampa Bay was inspired by Charlie Osburn’s School of Catholic Lay Evangelization, Good News Ministries located in Pensacola, Florida. In 1995, he encouraged us to open Good News Ministries of Tampa Bay.

Go to Charlie’s Youtube Channel

Charlie Osburn was an electrifying international speaker and a dynamic Catholic Lay Evangelist who founded Good News Ministries after he had a profound conversion experience in 1977.

Told by his bishop that he was to become the first Catholic evangelist in his diocese, he started the International School of Catholic Lay Evangelization as a direct response to Pope Paul VI’s document On Evangelization in the Modern World.

Charlie often said, “The greatest thing we can do is to win the world for Jesus, and we do this by evangelizing the people we know one at a time.” He taught from the Sermon on the Mount, Vatican II documents, and the Nicene Creed — like no one else!

Charlie Osburn taught in our first Evangelization School in 1995 to help Good News Ministries of Tampa Bay get started. (See  photo above.)

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