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Asking for prayers?

Please direct your prayer request to so that the entire Good News Prayer Network can get involved.

Asking about signing up for the Good News Reflections?

To sign up for your subscription to the Good News Reflections, please go to and choose which edition you want. They all use an identical reflection, just different times and methods of delivery. Make sure your anti-spam filters are set to accept all mail from the domains and

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Looking for a past or future reflection?

We’re giving you access to our entire database of the Good News Reflections so that you can find the reflections that you’re looking for. Go to to scroll through the archives or use the site’s search tool.

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Thank you for asking permission! Our articles may not be reprinted on other websites or in blogs, because it’s too easy for others to steal, change, and fail to give proper credit. However, you certainly may post a direct link to the article. For more information about our copyrights and distribution policies, please see

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For churches and organizations, please contact us for special permission.

Asking about alternatives to making a donation online?

You may send a check or bank draft or money order in US currency instead. The information on how to do that is included at where you will also find “Beyond Donations”, which are ways to help that don’t require money.

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