Sunday April 9, 2023

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

“Jesus is turning your tragedies and other difficulties into triumphs and great blessings.”

Good News Reflection for:

Easter Sunday
The Resurrection of the Lord
April 9, 2023

Today’s Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, give me the guidance and strength I need when I look for you in the wrong places. May I understand and believe that at the appointed time, You will come to meet me. Amen.

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Today’s Readings:

Acts 10:34a, 37-43
Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23
Colossians 3:1-4 or 1 Cor. 5:6b-8
John 20:1-9
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

How has Jesus helped you?

[ Listen to the podcast of this reflection ]

Are you ready to proclaim the Good News about how Jesus has helped you? What holds you back? Do you hesitate because you don’t yet understand how the deaths in your life (the sacrifices, the lost hope, the broken relationships, etc.) have been resurrected into new life?

Such hesitation was the mental state of the disciples on the first Easter morning, as depicted in the Gospel of John.

The attitude of Peter in the reading from Acts is quite a contrast! The disciples now know their calling: They were empowered and commissioned to testify that Jesus is the Savior, and they fully embraced this vocation.

Do you understand how Jesus is turning your tragedies and other difficulties into triumphs and great blessings?

To “testify” means to share the truth based on your own experiences. Peter specifically proclaimed that everyone who believes in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins. Of course he did! Peter knew first-hand what it’s like to need and then receive Christ’s forgiveness.

We will not understand much about how our sufferings have led us to a new and blessed life until we start talking about it. The first inklings of insight awaken when we discuss it within our close, holy friendships, like Mary of Magdala did when she ran to Peter and John after discovering the empty tomb. They, in turn, told the other disciples.

It was while they were together — in community — that Jesus appeared and revealed his resurrection to them. Later, after having lots of time to talk about it with friends, the Holy Spirit empowered them to go out and evangelize the world by sharing their experiences with anyone willing to listen.

Questions for Personal Reflection:
The empty tomb doesn’t immediately make sense. What has been confusing to you during your faith journey? What has caused you to feel empty and frightened? Where might Jesus be in this?

Questions for Community Faith Sharing:
How have your own experiences of being forgiven enabled you to feel more compassionate toward others? Does that change the way you talk to them about God and church and other spiritual or moral issues? What is the biggest change that Jesus has brought into your life? What were you like before this change? How did God intervene? What were the results? This is your testimony. Practice sharing it by telling the story to your community of friends.

© 2023 by Terry A. Modica

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Terry's books, The Father's Heart, and My Soul Shall Be Healed

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2 Replies to “Sunday April 9, 2023

  1. About 30 years ago I stopped going to church caught up in partying with friends colleagues. For.more than 20 years, and then I moved from the city to a small town and The Lord started working slowly but surely in my life. After I retired I depened solely on The Lord for my daily living, it was a big challenge to live by faith, I was self employed, it was not easy but I never had a day with out a meal or money for my rent.
    Today I share my experience in my community and pray that it will help at least one person.
    Thank you Terry and Ralph for your Ministry.
    Gid bless you always.

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