Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica
“The harvest needs collaborators. There are a few things that only a priest-shepherd can do; everything else can be done by his assistants.”
Good News Reflection for:
11th Sunday of Ordinary Time
June 18, 2023
Today’s Prayer:
Lord Jesus, I ask You for the grace of always searching for the riches hidden in other people and to be aware that You always want to rescue us due to Your mercy. Amen.
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Today’s Readings:
Exodus 19:2-6a
Ps 100:1-3, 5
Romans 5:6-11
Matthew 9:36–10:8
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:
The important virtue of collaboration
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In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, notice how strongly Jesus was moved by the needs of the people. His heart ached for them, because he knew they felt troubled and abandoned. What’s surprising, however, is how he responded. Although he likened them to sheep without a shepherd, and elsewhere he describes himself as the Good Shepherd, instead of taking action as that shepherd, he immediately turned to his disciples and called them to do the work!
Today, there are many who suffer troubles and feel abandoned because not enough is being done to help them. So, when we see a parish lacking a pastor, or a ministry lacking a shepherd, or a need lacking a ministry, we do as Jesus tells us to do: We beg the master of the harvest to send forth more laborers. And Jesus taps us on the shoulder and says, “YOU do it.”
We ask God to increase the number of priest vocations, because there are too few men entering the seminary. And Jesus says, “Don’t just pray, get up and do some of the work! You have a vocation, too!”
The reason why many people feel that God hasn’t answered their prayers (and has therefore apparently abandoned them) is because Jesus responds to their needs through us — and too few of us are giving him a free hand to use. We don’t have enough lay people assisting the priests we do have. We don’t have enough Christians standing up against injustices and other evils, and so of course, to many who suffer, God seems distant and uncaring.
Jesus was one man serving a whole nation, and he accomplished much in only three years because of the apostles who assisted him. The harvest needs collaborators. There are a few things that only a priest-shepherd can do; everything else can be done by his assistants, under his guidance, so that all needs are met. This is how the Church is made whole and holy and effective in evangelization.
Questions for Personal Reflection:
What has Jesus asked you to do as an extension of himself? Which of his gifts are you using to help in the work of his kingdom? Which gifts has he given you that you’re not using? Why not?
Questions for Community Faith Sharing:
What would our Church be like if everyone became an extension of Jesus using the gifts and talents that God has given them? How would this change the face of your parish?
Reflect more on this using our WordByte called: “Testimony of Christian Galvan” @
2023 by Terry A. Modica
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