Friday July 28, 2023

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

“You have many valuable seeds to spread around! Sown in the right places, God will grow an amazing crop from them.”

Good News Reflection for:

Friday of the 16th Week in Ordinary Time
July 28, 2023

Today’s Prayer:

Beloved Jesus: Give me the grace of not falling into those temptations that block Your Word from producing abundant fruit in me and in those people You send to me. Amen.

SaintsSubscribe to Today’s Saint Quote & Prayer:

Today’s Readings:

Exodus 20:1-17
Ps 19:8-11 (with John 6:68c)
Matthew 13:18-23
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

Sowing the right seeds

[ Listen to the podcast of this reflection ]

We usually look at today’s Gospel reading and feel challenged to wonder: “Which type of soil am I?” Or we assess someone else and think: “No wonder the truth is not sinking in; his soil is hard-packed.” This time, however let’s put our feet into the sandals of the sower and ask: “What kind of seeds am I sowing? And am I sowing them in the right places?”

A good farmer knows his environment. He researches and studies the soil, the climate, and even the past use of the land. He learns what will grow best in the location where he farms. He pays attention to his own wisdom, i.e., which types of crops he understands the most. And he doesn’t try to grow other crops.

What seeds of God’s kingdom do you already have that you can offer in the environment where you live and work and recreate?

Don’t try to produce the fruits that others are good at growing, even though you enjoy their flavor. Don’t envy others for what they can grow. Instead, study your own farm: What experiences have you gained that can serve the needs of others? Sow those seeds. What lessons have you learned the hard way that could benefit people who are now in similar situations? Sow those seeds. What talents are natural for you? Sow those seeds. What wisdom have you gained in your spiritual growth? Those are wonderful seeds!

A good farmer knows not to waste seeds by tossing them onto the road or rocks or among briers and weeds. Don’t sow the seeds of your life’s experiences into those who aren’t ready to learn from their own hardships; that would be sowing your seeds onto the road.

Don’t sow your talents into rocky places where your gifts will have no lasting value. Instead, consider how they can be used to help your Church community; that’s where to find fertile soil.

And when someone asks for your insights and wisdom because they recognize that you have faith, look for evidence that they really want to use your advice. If they’re not sincere, don’t keep trying to help them; that would be sowing the seeds among briers. Reserve your seeds for those who show a sincere and humble desire to improve.

Remember, seeds are tiny. They might look too small to be worthwhile. Don’t be fooled by their appearance. You know the potential that’s within every seed, especially when God provides the nourishing rain. You have many valuable seeds to spread around! Sown in the right places, God will grow an amazing crop from them. Eventually, you will see many delightful fruits come from your tiny offerings — although in many cases, you’ll have to wait until heaven to find out how huge of a difference you’ve made. Never be discouraged by a lack of seeing evidence now. Keep on sowing!

Reflect further on this, with our WordByte called: “God has created you for a definite service” @

© 2023 by Terry A. Modica

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