Friday September 1, 2023

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

“True Christian living requires major effort — and sometimes it’s unpleasant!”

Good News Reflection for:

Friday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time
September 1, 2023

Today’s Prayer:

My Lord and my God: Forgive me for those times when laziness has won a place in my heart. May the certainty of our meeting at the end of times always be my aim and my help so that I persevere till the end. Amen.

SaintsSubscribe to Today’s Saint Quote & Prayer:

Today’s Readings:

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
Ps 97:1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12
Matthew 25:1-13
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

Carrying a torch for Jesus

[ Listen to the podcast of this reflection ]

Are you carrying a torch for Jesus? Today’s Gospel reading reminds me of the modern-day metaphor for a special love relationship. To “carry a torch” for a friend means that we have a warm spot in our heart for him or her, and we won’t let it dim. It’s like the Olympic torch that’s carried by runners around the world until it lights up the opening ceremonies of the games; we’ll run anywhere and for as long as necessary for the one we love.

Do you have this kind of love for Jesus? If you do, then what’s the fuel that lights your torch? And what keeps your torch from running out of this fuel?

Perhaps your torch is lit by your prayer life and you keep it lit by taking time every day to quietly connect with God. Or maybe it’s the suffering you’ve endured for the sake of unconditionally loving someone who doesn’t love you back equally, and you’ve offered your heart-breaks to Jesus as a sacrifice that unites you to his cross. Or it’s the joy of using your gifts and talents in the Church. Or it’s all of the above and more.

We’re like the foolish bridesmaids if we do little more than pick up our torch and run without taking into consideration that a seemingly short sprint might become a long marathon. We need to stock up.

What fuels your love for Jesus when you get tired? Or when you get discouraged and feel hurt and disappointed? Or when your patience burns out?

We can’t make it through one single day without losing at least some of our holiness and spiritual strength! What makes us think that we don’t need to start each day in prayer asking for supernatural help? Or that we don’t need to take time to seek hope and guidance from scripture? Or that we don’t need to put effort into studying the teachings of the Church to receive more wisdom from the Holy Spirit?

As Jesus points out in the parable, the Master cannot recognize us (i.e., we don’t look like we belong to him) if we’re claiming to be Christian but we’re buzzing through life doing whatever feels good and looks good. True Christian living requires major effort — and sometimes it’s unpleasant! When we’re not forcing ourselves to move ahead in holiness, we slip into sin. There’s no such thing as standing still. Either we’re pushing ourselves forward in spiritual growth or we’re swept backward by the winds of the world and we’re pushed backward by demons who take advantage of our laziness.

Reading this reflection has given you some fuel. What else will you do today to add fuel to the fire of your love for Jesus?

For more on this, use our online retreat, “God’s message for you: You are beautiful!” @

© 2023 by Terry A. Modica

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