Saturday December 23, 2023

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

“Thus says the Lord GOD: “Lo, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me.” (from Saturday’s first reading)

Good News Reflection for:

Saturday of the Third Week of Advent
December 23, 2023

Today’s Readings:

Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24
Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14
Luke 1:57-66
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

How to awaken the faith in others

Today’s Gospel reading shows us the birth and naming of John the Baptist. This child is an example of who we are. The hand of the Lord was with him, and he was called to prepare people’s hearts for the coming of the Messiah. Like John, we are not the source of salvation. Like John, we are, as the first reading says, messengers of salvation. We carry the Good News about the Savior into the world.

But… how? Awakening the faith of others seems harder than ever lately.

As believers in Christ — as recipients of his saving power, his goodness, and his joy — we have the extremely important responsibility of serving as messengers of the Good News. This is not an option. It’s the last commandment that Jesus gave us before ascending to heaven. It is part of our commitment to follow Christ, and neglecting it has eternal consequences.

When being a messenger of the Good News is too hard, we need to remember that the only thing God requires of us is to have a good prayer life and to continue putting effort into our own spiritual growth.

Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ only feels too hard when we forget that we’re not the Savior. We cannot rescue people from sin and darkness; that’s the Savior’s role. God did not give us the ability to bring lost, inactive Catholics back to church; only the Holy Spirit can change souls. We were not created with the power to heal the sick, free addicts from slavery to whatever drugs them, or give sight and understanding to those who are blind to the teachings of the Church; these are gifts that God provides when we have an active relationship with the Holy Spirit and then receive training from more experienced evangelizers.

Meanwhile, we are mere messengers, and the most effective message is the example of our lives. With sin so rampant in today’s world, and with so much selfishness and cruelty permeating society, we who imitate Christ stand out as different. This often causes persecution, but it also beckons to those who become tired of evil. As the world becomes darker, the light of Christ in us becomes more noticeable.

There are people around you who are desperate to find out that the true meaning of Christmas can give them hope in the midst of worries, comfort in the midst of hardships, and victory in the midst of evil. How are you handling the stresses and trials that you’re enduring? How is your faith in Jesus giving you hope and comfort? That’s your message, and it’s a powerful one.

Your joy is a testimony that holiness — living according to the moral teachings of Christ instead of the world’s values — is right and good and beneficial. We give people knowledge of salvation and forgiveness of their sins only if we overcome our own sins and let others see the joy of becoming reconciled with God; this is the best proof of the tender mercy of our God.

Words are not enough to convince people that they need to convert away from what the world says is right and good. Words won’t get someone to attend church and worship Jesus. If we do not exude faith with hope, patience, and unconditional love, if our worship is not full of joy from being in the presence of Christ, if receiving the Eucharist does not excite us, then we cannot fulfill our calling as messengers of Good News.

This Christmas, may our lives proclaim “Rejoice! The Lord has come!”

© 2023 by Terry A. Modica

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Terry's books, The Father's Heart, and My Soul Shall Be Healed

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