Wednesday October 23, 2024

Turn irritations into grace-filled changes

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

Whenever we’re unhappy, it’s a sign that we need to do something to make a change.

Good News Reflection for:

Wednesday of the 29th Week of Ordinary Time
October 23, 2024

Today’s Prayer:

Lord, you’ve shown me Your mercy and Your love. I want to be always willing to share them with generosity. Amen.

Daily Prayer and ReflectionIMPROVE YOUR DAY!
Powerful Catholic prayers are available on our YouTube channel.

Today’s Readings:

Ephesians 3:2-12
Isaiah 12:2-6
Luke 12:39-48
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

Eternally busy servanthood

[ Listen to the podcast of this reflection ]

What complaints do you have? What are you doing to improve each situation that has caused you to grumble?

Whenever we’re unhappy, it’s a sign that we need to do something — take action — to make a change. The feeling of being irritated and displeased is a grace-filled urge to make changes by using the gifts and training and insights that God has given us. It’s not supposed to make us cranky; it’s meant to motivate us off our lazy seats and do whatever we can, with God’s help, following his guidance, always alert to his timing.

Change starts by pointing the finger of responsibility at ourselves. Are we unhappy with others? We cannot change them, but we can improve something in our own lives to relieve the misery. Are we actively searching for alternate ways to get our needs met? Are we humble enough to change ourselves when wishing that others would change?

In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus warns about the unfaithfulness of those who claim to be Christian yet disregard the Lord’s will. When we know what needs to be done for the kingdom of God and we have the ability to do something about it, but do nothing, this is the grievous sin of apathy compounded by disobedience.

Sometimes we’re unaware of what needs to be done or how to get it done. As Jesus said, we’re only accountable for what we understand. This is why a person who breaks a Church law without understanding it is to be given patience and time, along with evangelization and education – by those who do understand.

Woe are we if we see a need and understand its importance and have the ability to fix it and neglect to take action! Jesus wants to find us busy serving the kingdom of God in our daily lives all the way up to the hour of our deaths: in our secular workplaces and other positions in the world, not just in church. Remember, we don’t have to look religious to be serving God.

The “Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity” from Vatican Council II was written to remind us that we are all called and gifted to “renew the temporal order”. We are enabled and required to restore the temporary world to the condition that God wants for it, which is a reflection of the eternal world of heaven.

Society tells us that our goal for aging is to live longer and enjoy lots of restful retirement years with plenty of time to play and cater to ourselves. But Jesus did not say, “Blessed is the servant whom his Master finds busy when he returns, unless he’s retired.” There’s always a way to serve God, even if our bodies become totally disabled.

Christian servanthood is the greatest possible lifestyle, because it has eternal results. Why would we want to give that up to do crossword puzzles and watch TV all day?

God has gifted you with the means to serve him. You can make the world a better place — and he is relying on you! Amidst the increasing crises of our world today, your service is all the more necessary.

To reflect more on this topic, use our Podcast “Defeating Satan’s Biggest Strategy” @

© by Terry A. Modica, Good News Ministries

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