Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica
“Come, let us return to the LORD, for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up.” (Hosea 6:1)
Good News Reflection for:
Saturday of the 3rd Week of Lent
March 29, 2025
Today’s Readings:
Hosea 6:1-6
Psalm 51:3-4, 18-21
Luke 18:9-14
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:
The Healing Shadow of Jesus
When is a saint not a sinner?
A saint is anyone who has chosen to follow Jesus to heaven. We are baptized into sainthood. We are all saints! However, Jesus points out in this Saturday’s Gospel reading (Luke 18:9-14) that there’s pride in claiming to do all the right things and using this to prove that we are righteous. A truly holy person knows that he or she can be tempted to sin and continually relies on strength from the Holy Spirit while putting energy into a real effort to be holy.
So let me rephrase the question: When is a saint living out his true identity instead of living like a sinner? When he repents, of course.
In Saturday’s first reading (Hosea 6:1-6), we can identify with the affliction as well as with the desire to return to God: Until we’re healed by his forgiveness, we’re afflicted with the sorrow and regret of realizing how easily we stumble on our journey of faith. We want to be godly, and so, if we really take an honest look at how unlike Jesus we sometimes are, we feel wretched.
How do we cope with feeling so badly about ourselves? Most of us handle it by distracting ourselves from our wretchedness.
This is why Saturday confession lines in many churches are short. We’d rather live in the illusion that we don’t need the Sacrament of Reconciliation. However, the fact is, God doesn’t look at us and see ugly wretches. Remember, Jesus substituted himself for us. He who never sinned took our sins upon himself. When God our Father looks at us, it is through the filter of Christ’s blood. He recognizes us as a holy child who wants to be free of sin. And thus he is very pleased with us.
By placing ourselves behind Jesus, in the protection of his shadow, we have a great advantage.
So be the saint that you truly are by stepping into the confessional to ask Jesus to give you the power of his Holy Spirit to overcome your sins and to avoid them in the future. Go to Mass fully aware of how easily you sin, then receive God’s forgiveness in the Penitential Rite. Finally, go home realizing that you have been empowered in your sainthood through the graces received in Confession and in the Holy Eucharist.
© 2025 by Terry A. Modica
P.S. “The Healing Wounds of Jesus” is my mystical and scientific compilation of how Jesus suffered for you according to the revelations of saints and mystics and by modern scientists. Meditate on the Passion of Jesus @
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