July 9 – Martyrs of Orange


listenO Beloved Jesus, the martyrs of Orange were thirty-two nuns of several religious orders and were jailed during the French Revolution (d.1794).  In that dismal prison cell, they formed into a single community.  They prayed together, encouraged each other, and bonded in love.  I ask them to pray for the community of my parish, my circle of friends, and small faith sharing groups in all churches.  O Lord, raise up more groups that are true communities in the way we pray together and in the way we love each other.  Help us to overcome the loneliness of individualism and self-centeredness that is so common today.  Martyrs of Orange, pray for us.  Amen.

Quotes for Today

Saint Pauline (1865-1942)
Feast day July 9

quoteBe humble. Trust always and a great deal in divine Providence; never, never must you let yourselves be discouraged, despite contrary winds. I say it again: trust in God and Mary Immaculate, be faithful and forge ahead.”

Blessed Marija P. of Jesus Crucified (1892-1966)
Feast day July 9

quoteLove infinitely the most sweet Lord Jesus Christ; do everything for Him alone and spend your life in works of mercy and of love.”

Saint Veronica Giuliani (1660-1727)
Feast day July 9

quoteNothing will be able to separate me from the will of God, neither anxieties, nor sorrows, nor toil, nor contempt, nor temptation, nor creatures, nor demons, nor darkness, not even death itself, because, in life and in death, I want all, and in all things, the will of God.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

Daily Prayers with the Saints

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