March 30 – Saint John Climacus


listenO Powerful Jesus, at the beginning of Saint John Climacus’ ministry, he was severely tempted by the devil. By placing all of his trust in You and spending much time in prayer, he resisted the sins and grew in holiness.  When people asked for his help in overcoming the difficult traps of sin, they prayed together, and peace replaced the temptations.  I ask Saint John to pray with me against the pull of sinfulness in my life.  Jesus, through the Cross you overcame the devil and freed me from sin.  Help me to live in that freedom today.  Remind me to pray whenever I’m in danger of falling back into the slavery of sin.  Saint John Climacus, pray for me. Amen.

Quotes for Today

Saint John Climacus (525-605)
Doctor of the Church

quoteFaith is the unshaken stance of the soul and is unmoved by any adversity. The believing person is not one who thinks God can do all things, but one who trusts that he will obtain everything. Faith is the agent of things unhoped for.”

quoteHappy the man who strives without end to please the Lord as others try to please men.”

quoteA servant of the Lord is he who in body stands before men, but in mind knocks at Heaven with prayer.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

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