November 10 – Saint Leo the Great

Saint Leo the Great

listenLoving Father, Saint Leo the Great was pope during fearsome times.  Heathen armies were attacking the faithful in many places and Christians were spreading errors about the Faith.  Yet, he led the Church wisely and courageously, refusing to fear any threat, any difficulty, or any army.  I ask him to pray for the protection of today’s pope, all Church leaders, laity, and ministries, especially where they are suffering persecutions.  Teach us, O Lord, how to overcome the sin of worry, anxiety, and fearfulness, for these are signs that we are not trusting in You.  Increase our faith and be our source of courage in all trials.  Saint Leo, pray for us.  Amen.

Quotes for Today

Pope Saint Leo the Great (400-461)

quoteNo one, however weak, is denied a share of the victory of the Cross. No one is beyond the help of the prayers of Christ. His prayer brought benefits to the multitude that raged against Him. How much more does it bring to those who turn to Him in repentance?”

quoteThe business of this life should not preoccupy us with its anxiety and pride, so that we no longer strive with all the love of our heart to be like our Redeemer, and to follow his example.”

quotePrecious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his holy ones. No type of cruelty can tear down the religion established by the mystery of Christ’s cross. The Church is not diminished by persecutions, but rather increased.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

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