April 10 – Saint Macarius of Antioch


listenGod of Healing, Saint Macarius of Antioch (d.1012) was the first to write a formal creed that described the Eucharist as life-giving.  Since he died of the plague, he is the patron saint for plagues and other widespread illnesses.  I ask him to pray for the people inflicted with today’s most difficult diseases: Corona virus, AIDS, HIV, cancer, arthritis, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, leukemia, cerebral palsy, heart disorders, and all the others.  Lord Jesus, heal them with Your life-giving Body and Blood.  Inspire scientists to find cures.  Protect us from situations that spread these diseases.  Deliver us from choices that endanger us.  Saint Macarius of Antioch, pray for us.  Amen.

Quote for Today

Saint Maddalena of Canossa (1774-1835)
Feast day April 10

quoteDo not worry about anything. Do the little you can. You can be sure that you will make mistakes again, but you should never stop being happy and peaceful. You will see that, by falling into mistakes and rising again, we shall go to heaven.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

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