June 25 – Saint Prosper of Aquitaine


listenHoly Spirit, Saint Prosper of Aquitaine (c.390-c.463) was widely known for his work in converting heretics.  He convinced them of the truth by increasing their understanding and compassionately educating them about their mistakes.  I ask him to pray for the people today who hold wrong beliefs and misunderstandings about abortion, euthanasia, sexual activities, occult powers, birth control, and other issues of morality.  Make us aware, O Lord, of the errors we believe, and explain to us what is right.  Point us to scriptures that clarify the truth for us, and give us ears to learn from teachers of the Faith.  Saint Prosper, pray for me.  Amen.

Quotes for Today

Saint Maximus of Turin (380-466)
Feast day June 25

quoteA jewel demands a setting of gold, and a pearl should be only placed in precious necklaces. Be, then, the finest sort of gold! Be a precious necklace, so that the spiritual pearl can be set in you! For Christ the Lord is the pearl that the rich merchant in the gospel hastened to buy.”

quoteThe celestial day is perpetually bright and shining with brilliant light; clouds can never darken its skies. In the same way, the light of Christ is eternally glowing with luminous radiance and can never be extinguished by the darkness of sin.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

Daily Prayers with the Saints

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