February 10 – Saint Scholastica


O Beloved Jesus, Saint Scholastica enjoyed spending hour upon hour talking with family and friends about the nature of God and the joys of spiritual growth.  She found so much energy in this activity that she would continue all night long!  I submit to You, O Lord, all of my conversations.  May I speak only words that glorify You.  Bring to me companions who have the same enthusiasm for faith-sharing.  Protect us from shallow chatter and from sinful gossip.  Help us to take time out of our busy lives to come together for the sake of mutual support and spiritual growth.  Saint Scholastica, pray for us.  Amen.

Quotes for Today

Saint Scholastica (c.480543)

quoteI asked you and you would not listen, so I asked my God and He did listen.”

Blessed Alojzije Stepinac (1898-1960)
Feast day February 10

quoteI know what my duty is. With the grace of God, I will carry it out to the end without hatred towards anyone, and without fear from anyone.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

Daily Prayers with the Saints

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