February 25 – Saint Walburga


Blessed Redeemer, Saint Walburga (c.710-c.779) evangelized and healed pagans very successfully.  However, after her death, pagans began to connect her name with witchcraft, and May 1st became a satanic feast still honored today as Walpurgisnacht.  I ask this saint to pray for the conversion of witches, satanists, and other pagans.  Set them free from Satan’s grip.  Send Christians into their lives and fill these evangelists with the Holy Spirit to empower them to heal these poor souls.  Interrupt all Walpurgisnacht rituals and other satanic gatherings with Your Holy Presence.  Saint Walburga, pray for us.  Amen

Quote for Today

Blessed Dominic Lentini (1794-1828)
Feast day February 25

quoteWhat is it that is lacking in people nowadays and even in believers themselves? It’s the Cross, because in the Mystery of the Cross there is everything: there is faith, there is obedience, there is human pain, there is the way of glory.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

Daily Prayers with the Saints

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