March 7 – Saints Perpetua and Felicity


listenCompassionate Savior, Saints Perpetua and Felicity (3rd century) are the patron saints of  expectant moms, young mothers, women wanting to become pregnant, and children who die prematurely.  I ask them to intercede for all the mothers—present and future—who are in my life.  O Jesus, heal those who have lost children and those unable to bear children.  Give a new understanding of love to those who have selfishly decided not to have children, use artificial birth control, or have aborted their babies.  And bring to the Holy Spirit’s wisdom those who are struggling to be good mothers.  Saints Perpetua and Felicity, pray for us.  Amen.

Quotes for Today

Saint Teresa Margaret Redi (1747-1770)
Feast day March 7

quoteAlways receive with equal contentment from God’s hand either consolations or sufferings, peace or distress, health or illness. Ask nothing, refuse nothing, but always be ready to do and to suffer anything that comes from His Providence.”

quoteMy God, how well you know my great need of Your help. I trust in Your infinite mercy, and I shall always do so, regardless of the spiritual state in which I might find myself.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

Daily Prayers with the Saints

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