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< December 2024 >
1First Sunday of AdventFirst Sunday of AdventFaith gives us reasons to hope in Jesus and to live in joy instead of fear. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 2Monday of the 1st week of AdventMonday of the 1st week of AdventTrue faith means we trust that God is embracing us and holding us securely. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 3Wednesday of the 1st week of AdventWednesday of the 1st week of AdventTo desire materialistic gifts without wanting to share them with others is greed. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 4Tuesday of the 1st week of AdventTuesday of the 1st week of AdventA cut-off relationship cannot be restored unless Christ becomes the center of it. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 5Thursday of the 1st week of AdventThursday of the 1st week of AdventWe enter the kingdom of heaven by listening to Jesus’ words and acting upon them. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 6Friday of the 1st week of AdventFriday of the 1st week of AdventFear is not of God. It does not belong in a Christian’s life. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 7Saturday of the 1st week of AdventSaturday of the 1st week of Advent“Go to the lost sheep…. As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give.” (Matthew 10:1,5-8). [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION]
8The Second Sunday of AdventThe Second Sunday of AdventIt takes faith to experience joy in the midst of hardships. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 9Solemnity of the Immaculate ConceptionSolemnity of the Immaculate ConceptionGrace is God’s power received as a gift when we need it, regardless of what we do or don’t do. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 10Tuesday of the 2nd Week of AdventTuesday of the 2nd Week of AdventJesus illuminates our lives with the light of his love. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 11Wednesday of the 2nd Week of AdventWednesday of the 2nd Week of AdventGod never runs out of energy. He shares His strength with you and me. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 12Thursday of the 2nd Week of AdventThursday of the 2nd Week of AdventJoy is a fruit of the Spirit, nourished by faith. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 13Friday of the 2nd Week of AdventFriday of the 2nd Week of AdventThe more we try to prove our faith by how we live our faith, the purer our faith becomes. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 14Saturday of the 2nd week of AdventSaturday of the 2nd week of AdventLike a fire there appeared the prophet Elijah whose words were like a flaming furnace. (Sirach 48:1) [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION]
153rd Sunday of Advent3rd Sunday of AdventHaving faith means trusting God which means resting in hope which produces joy. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 16Monday of the 3rd week of AdventMonday of the 3rd week of AdventJesus wants your smile to prove to others that his victory is real. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 17Tuesday of the 3rd Week of AdventTuesday of the 3rd Week of AdventGod makes good come from EVERYthing! [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 18Wednesday of the 3rd Week of AdventWednesday of the 3rd Week of AdventJesus sometimes comes to us in people we least feel like being hospitable to. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 19Thursday of the 3rd Week of AdventThursday of the 3rd Week of AdventJesus sometimes comes to us in people we least feel like being hospitable to. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 20Friday of the 3rd Week of AdventFriday of the 3rd Week of AdventThe enemies that block us from living in the fullness of God’s plans have been defeated by the kingdom of Jesus Christ. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 21Saturday of the 3rd Week of AdventSaturday of the 3rd Week of Advent“Walls that serve as fortresses, built by fear, block out love.” [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION]
224th Sunday of Advent4th Sunday of AdventThe faith to recognize the presence of Christ comes from being fully alive in the Holy Spirit. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 23Monday of the 4th week of AdventMonday of the 4th week of AdventHeaven doesn’t need to see Christ in us — the world does. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 24Tuesday of the 4th week of AdventTuesday of the 4th week of AdventIf we do not love as Jesus loves, our faith seems pointless. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 25Christmas: The Nativity of the LordChristmas: The Nativity of the LordJesus was born because he loves you — he loves YOU! [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 26Feast of Saint Stephen, first martyrFeast of Saint Stephen, first martyrEvery form of dying to self is a moment of entrusting our spirits to the Lord. [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 27Feast of Saint John, Apostle and evangelistFeast of Saint John, Apostle and evangelistWhatever mountain of difficulty you witnessed this Christmas, it’s really nothing compared to the greatness of the Lord! [READ THE GOOD NEWS REFLECTION] 28
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Keep Christ at the center, the Word of Truth in your heart, and the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church as the guardian of your soul. The Good News Reflections are always free (thanks to the generosity of benefactors); they are thought-provoking, uplifting, and healing reflections by Terry Modica on the daily readings from Catholic Mass. Use this calendar to find current and past Good News Reflections.


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