40-day journey to the Passionate Heart of Jesus


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 Lenten Trail of Roses
< February 2024 >
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11 12 13 14LENTEN PRAYER: Ash WednesdayLENTEN PRAYER: Ash WednesdayGive to Jesus your promise to repent from sin and increase your holiness. Jesus says: “I secure your promises with My Love, and I am interceding to our Father for the graces you need to fulfill them. My Spirit will empower you, and together—always together—we will watch your life become transformed. You are becoming a gift for the kingdom of heaven, more beautiful than you already are!” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and help me to make this Lent a life-changing experience. Help me to grow in holiness. Hail Mary... 15LENTEN PRAYER: Thursday after Ash WednesdayLENTEN PRAYER: Thursday after Ash WednesdayGive to Jesus those who are closest to you, the sorrows they cause you, and your fears for them. How would you like Jesus to help them? Jesus says: “I will carry them close to My heart as wounded lambs.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me with compassion for these people. Jesus, I trust in You. Hail Mary... 16LENTEN PRAYER: Friday after Ash WednesdayLENTEN PRAYER: Friday after Ash WednesdayGive to Jesus the people who have alienated themselves from you. Tell Jesus how they have hurt you. Tell the Father that you forgive them. Jesus says: “The Holy Spirit will help you forgive them. I will heal your pain.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and help me to forgive even though I have a right to seek the apology and remorse of those who have hurt me. Hail Mary... 17LENTEN PRAYER: Saturday after Ash WednesdayLENTEN PRAYER: Saturday after Ash WednesdayGive to Jesus a prayer asking for wisdom and understanding in dealing with difficult people—the family member, the neighbor, the co-worker. Jesus says: “My Holy Spirit will be generous in giving you new insights.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me with Your gifts of wisdom and understanding when the people around me are being difficult. I admit that I don't know everything about why they are behaving the way they do. Hail Mary...
18 19LENTEN PRAYER: Monday of the First Week of LentLENTEN PRAYER: Monday of the First Week of LentGive to Jesus the sick people you know, those who are suffering from physical ills. Jesus says: “I care about these people too. Thank you for caring enough to bring them to Me. I am laying my hands on them. I want to heal them, starting with the healing of their souls. Those who know to offer their sufferings to Me will receive great blessings. I am closer to them than to those who think only of themselves.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and remind me of those who need my prayer support. Fill me with the gift of faith for miracles. Hail Mary... 20LENTEN PRAYER: Tuesday of the First Week of LentLENTEN PRAYER: Tuesday of the First Week of LentGive to Jesus those who are suffering from mental anguish. Jesus says: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. For those who are willing to entrust their problems to me, I will give new life. For the unwilling, I accept your prayers for them and even now I am reaching out to them.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me with patience for those who have mental handicaps or disorders. Teach me how to pray for them and what to say to them and how to handle their special needs. Hail Mary, full of grace.... Holy Mary, Mother of God, Defeater of Satan, with Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. 21LENTEN PRAYER: Wednesday of the First Week of LentLENTEN PRAYER: Wednesday of the First Week of LentGive to Jesus the sinners you would like to see converted. Jesus says: “I care about their eternal souls more than you can imagine. The Father created them to share in his holy love forever. The Holy Spirit is ready to rush in and help all those who want to grow in holiness.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and overshadow them with special graces to turn their hearts toward Christ. Come Holy Spirit and grace them with the gifts of piety and holy fear of the Lord. Hail Mary, full of grace.... Holy Mary, Mother of God, Defeater of Satan, with Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. 22LENTEN PRAYER: Thursday of the First Week of LentLENTEN PRAYER: Thursday of the First Week of LentGive to Jesus the needs of your soul. Write a list—a long list—of all of your holy desires. Tell Jesus how your desires will glorify My Father. Jesus says: “I am holding your list close to My heart. Can you see My smile? I am very delighted with you!” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and teach me how to bring to fruition everything on this list but only according to the Divine Will of the Father. Hail Mary... 23LENTEN PRAYER: Friday of the First Week of LentLENTEN PRAYER: Friday of the First Week of LentGive to Jesus your stony heart. Jesus says: “I replace this with My sacred and pure heart.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me. Come Holy Spirit, You have my permission to change me. Reveal to me with Your gentle love the places in my heart that need healing and softening. I want to turn these areas over to the redemptive power of Christ. Hail Mary... 24LENTEN PRAYER: Saturday of the First Week of LentLENTEN PRAYER: Saturday of the First Week of LentGive to Jesus your frustrations. What makes you extra sensitive, moody, or impatient? Jesus says: “Come here, let Me hold you. I understand what is triggering these feelings in you. Come away with Me and rest in Me for a while.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me with Your peace. Fill me with Your patience. Fill me with Your love so abundantly that it overshadows everything else. Hail Mary...
25 26LENTEN PRAYER: Monday of the 2nd Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Monday of the 2nd Week in LentGive to Jesus your sorrow for being self-indulgent, proud, arrogant, or rude. Jesus says: “I thank you for your regrets. Your repentance is precious to Me because of your desire to grow in holiness. There is no need to dwell on your faults. Just learn from them. Force yourself to do the opposite of what the devil wants you to do, for this is a great penance and it will strengthen your resolve to be holy.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and help me to become more aware of how my selfishness and pride are doing damage to others. Come Holy Spirit and strengthen my resolve to be holy. Hail Mary... 27LENTEN PRAYER: Tuesday of the 2nd Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Tuesday of the 2nd Week in LentGive to Jesus your goals. Jesus says: “There is nothing good that I would not give you. Our Father created the universe and all that is in it. Everything is at My disposal to do as I desire, and I desire to give good gifts to you. Tell Me what you want. You have no idea how much I long to give you what is good! Much more is available to you than what you have.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and help me to discern which of my goals were placed in my heart by Father God. Then teach me how to reach those goals. Guide me each step of the way. Reveal each day's part in the plan, each step forward, and every way to get over and around obstacles. Hail Mary... 28LENTEN PRAYER: Wednesday of the 2nd Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Wednesday of the 2nd Week in LentGive to Jesus your ideas of what you would like to do with your time. Sacrifice your agenda and open yourself to God’s agenda, even if it doesn’t seem to make sense. Jesus says: “I know that you desire to put Me first in your life and use your time wisely. The Father has important things for you to do, and although these often feel like distractions, letting go of your own ideas of how to spend your time will accomplish purposes and fruits that are more wonderful than you realize.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit, take charge of the timing of everything in my life today. Open my understanding to help me joyfully accept changes in my plans and interruptions in my schedule--as long as it is You who cause these changes. Hail Mary... 29LENTEN PRAYER: Thursday of the 2nd Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Thursday of the 2nd Week in LentGive to Jesus a list of special graces you would like to receive. Jesus says: “I died for you; certainly I will help you in all other ways, too.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me with the graces I'm seeking. I want to be a vibrant Christian making a difference for the Kingdom of God. Come Holy Spirit, renew me! Hail Mary...    

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The gift Jesus gave you when he suffered and died on Good Friday was his very Self, his entire Self. On our Lenten Journey with Jesus, we invite you to give him a gift of yourself every day – a different gift on each of the 40 days of Lent. Your daily gifts will be like roses you’re strewing upon the path of his journey to Calvary.

See more faith-building resources for Lent on our WordBytes site.

Don’t miss the Lenten reflections that are based on the readings of Catholic Mass! See the Good News Reflection for today.

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