40-day journey to the Passionate Heart of Jesus


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 Lenten Trail of Roses
< March 2024 >
          1LENTEN PRAYER: Friday of the 2nd Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Friday of the 2nd Week in LentGive to Jesus a list of special graces you would like to receive. Jesus says: “I died for you; certainly I will help you in all other ways, too.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me with the graces I'm seeking. I want to be a vibrant Christian making a difference for the Kingdom of God. Come Holy Spirit, renew me! Hail Mary... 2LENTEN PRAYER: Saturday of the 2nd Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Saturday of the 2nd Week in LentGive to Jesus your wish list of which gifts of the Holy Spirit you would like to have to help you live a more successful Christian life. Jesus says: “Ask Me for these, because I long to share them with you—and to share them abundantly.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me. Come Holy Spirit, empower me with Your gifts and help me grow in holiness. I want to produce the fruits of the Spirit for the sake of giving others the nourishment of faith in Jesus Christ. Hail Mary...
3 4LENTEN PRAYER: Monday of the 3rd Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Monday of the 3rd Week in LentGive to Jesus the problems you want him to help you resolve. Ask him to help you increase your trust in our Father’s plans for these problems. Jesus says: “The Father loves you, I love you, My Holy Spirit loves you, and we, as One, desire what’s best for you.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit. I believe that the Father knows the best way to resolve the problems I'm thinking about. Help this belief grow stronger. In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the fears that make me doubt that the Father is working a good and caring plan. Hail Mary... 5LENTEN PRAYER: Tuesday of the 3rd Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Tuesday of the 3rd Week in LentGive to Jesus your tears. Tell him what makes you cry. Imagine leaning into his shoulder as your tears flow. Jesus says: “I will absorb your pain, and your tears will become as drops in the ocean. I already bore your pain on My cross; let Me heal you now.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and be my Comforter. Take my pain and unite it to the Good Friday sufferings of Jesus for the sake of the salvation of those who have hurt me. Hail Mary... 6LENTEN PRAYER: Wednesday of the 3rd Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Wednesday of the 3rd Week in LentGive to Jesus your reasons for rejoicing. Tell him what has made you happy, what has consoled you, and what has helped you. What unexpected gift has delighted you? What fear has been dispelled? Jesus says: “We rejoice together over all of this.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me with a spirit of rejoicing. Reveal to me the big smile on Jesus' face as he delights in knowing that I am recognizing the blessings in my life. Hail Mary... 7LENTEN PRAYER: Thursday of the 3rd Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Thursday of the 3rd Week in LentGive to Jesus thanks for the love he’s given you through your parents, through your spouse, through your friends. Also thank Jesus for giving you Saint Joseph as a spiritual father who is the Loving Guardian of your home. Jesus says: “Joseph cared for Me as the ideal earthly father. God the Father could not have given me a better human father for my earthly needs. Now from his special place in Heaven, he wants to take care of you, too.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and help me to know Saint Joseph better. Help me to understand what it means to be his spiritual son/daughter. Hail Mary... 8LENTEN PRAYER: Friday of the 3rd Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Friday of the 3rd Week in LentGive to Jesus thanks for the food on your table, the roof over your head, the money in your bank account. Jesus says: “I am always at your side, providing what you need from the Father. Keep your eyes on Me, not on what you do not have. Be satisfied with Me so that the Enemy does not tempt you to be greedy for more. Share with others what the Father has given you so that We can multiply it back to you.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and increase in me a spirit of generosity. Come Holy Spirit and inspire an increase of almsgiving this Lent. Hail Mary... 9LENTEN PRAYER: Saturday of the 3rd Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Saturday of the 3rd Week in LentGive to Jesus thanks for the funny incidents that caused you to laugh. Jesus says: “I laughed with you.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me with the joy of Christ! Hail Mary...
10 11LENTEN PRAYER: Monday of the 4th Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Monday of the 4th Week in LentGive to Jesus your desire to overcome the sins in your life. Jesus says: “This is the greatest gift you can give Me! I endured a lot of suffering and an excruciating crucifixion because of your sins. Then I gave you My Holy Spirit to help you avoid sin. I have given you everything you need to avoid sin. Rely more heavily on the resources of faith that I have taught and demonstrated.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and renew me. Teach me to be holy. Come Holy Spirit, You have my permission to change me. Hail Mary... 12LENTEN PRAYER: Tuesday of the 4th Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Tuesday of the 4th Week in LentGive to Jesus your willingness to surrender your love of worldly treasures in order to put all of your focus on him and his kingdom. Jesus says: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21 NIV) "I receive your precious heart into Mine." Pray: Come Holy Spirit and strengthen my resolve to give alms more generously this Lent. Purify me by helping me to let go of everything that is not eternal. Hail Mary... 13LENTEN PRAYER: Wednesday of the 4th Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Wednesday of the 4th Week in LentGive to Jesus your promise to sacrifice the television shows, the books, the magazines, the videos, and the music that contain ideas and images that are not pure, not holy, not lovely, not loving, not beneficial to your relationship with him. Jesus says: “Keep your eyes only on Me, My beloved. Worldly allures are blinding you so that you see Me only partially. I have so much, much more to give you!” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and purify me. Increase in me a distaste for whatever is not true, whatever is not noble, whatever is not right, whatever is not pure, whatever is not lovely, whatever is not admirable. Hail Mary... 14LENTEN PRAYER: Thursday of the 4th Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Thursday of the 4th Week in LentGive to Jesus the friendships you should withdraw from because they consistently pull you down or damage you spiritually. Jesus says: “Follow Me -- and Me alone. Make Me your first priority each day. I am your Perfect Spouse, your Best Friend and your Closest Confidant.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and help me to put up healthy boundaries to protect my spiritual growth when unhealthy relationships pull me away from Christ. Hail Mary, full of grace....
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Defeater of Satan, with Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen!
15LENTEN PRAYER: Friday of the 4th Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Friday of the 4th Week in LentGive to Jesus your broken relationships. Jesus says: “I want to be your Mediator reconciling you to those whom the Father has given you for community and faith-growth.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit, You are my Comforter, my Healer, my Teacher. Fill me with supernatural peace for every broken relationship. Hail Mary... 16LENTEN PRAYER: Saturday of the 4th Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Saturday of the 4th Week in LentGive to Jesus what you don’t like about yourself. Jesus says: “I already know these things, and yet I love you no less for them. Ask Me to help you improve, and I will gently work to transform you. See yourself through My eyes and notice that some of the things you dislike about yourself are lies from the devil about who you really are.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me more than ever before. Come Holy Spirit, You have my permission to change me. Come Holy Spirit, help me to humbly see what is good about me thanks to Your life in me. Hail Mary...
17 18LENTEN PRAYER: Monday of the 5th Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Monday of the 5th Week in LentGive to Jesus the holes in your heart left by others who have not loved you enough. Jesus says: “I fill you with My Love.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me. Fill me so completely that I don't feel the void left by the humans who have not loved me as You have called them to love me. Help me to keep my eyes on Jesus instead of looking at what others are doing or not doing in my life. Hail Mary... 19LENTEN PRAYER: Tuesday of the 5th Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Tuesday of the 5th Week in LentGive to Jesus your fear of giving alms and donations more than you already have been doing. Jesus says: “I fill you with My generosity.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me with a spirit of generosity. In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce fear and my distrust in God's generosity toward me, and I renounce selfishness and clinging to my possessions. Come Holy Spirit, You have my permission to change me. Hail Mary... 20LENTEN PRAYER: Wednesday of the 5th Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Wednesday of the 5th Week in LentGive to Jesus your weaknesses—all your shortcomings, faults and tendencies to give into temptation. Jesus says: “I fill you with My strength.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and renew me. Strengthen me against temptations. Open my heart to make me more sensitive to the damage I'd cause if I gave into what's tempting me. Come Holy Spirit, correct my thinking when I believe that good is evil and a sin is not a sin. You have my permission to change me. Hail Mary... 21LENTEN PRAYER: Thursday of the 5th Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Thursday of the 5th Week in LentGive to Jesus the reasons why you dislike yourself. Jesus says: “See yourself as you really are—as I see you.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and open my eyes. I ask with humility to see what I need to repent of. In my weakness, strengthen me to grow in holiness: Come Holy Spirit, You have my permission to change me! And help me to recognize what is good in me—the good You have already placed in me. Hail Mary... 22LENTEN PRAYER: Friday of the 5th Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Friday of the 5th Week in LentGive to Jesus your feelings about those whom you like the least. Jesus says: “See Me in the people around you.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and help me to recognize the presence of Jesus in every person, especially those who behave the least like him. Embolden me to supernaturally feel love for them. Hail Mary... 23LENTEN PRAYER: Saturday of the 5th Week in LentLENTEN PRAYER: Saturday of the 5th Week in LentGive to Jesus the needs of the people whom you serve in your home, your workplace, your ministry, and your community. Jesus says: "I am touching your ears so that you may hear the unspoken pleas of the people whom I call you to serve. Help them using your skills and talents and what you've learned from your experiences." Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me with a supernatural understanding of what others need in light of what I can do about it. Although I feel inadequate, You are more than adequate. Work through me! Hail Mary...
24 25LENTEN PRAYER: Monday of Holy WeekLENTEN PRAYER: Monday of Holy WeekGive to Jesus the noisy thoughts that keep you preoccupied. Jesus says: “Hear My voice.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and immerse me in the silence of Your peace. I want to slow down and pray more deeply so I can more clearly hear Jesus speaking to me. Teach me how to do this. Hail Mary... 26LENTEN PRAYER: Tuesday of Holy WeekLENTEN PRAYER: Tuesday of Holy WeekGive to Jesus an expression of love and gratitude for the person God created you to be and the things you do that please him. Jesus says: “I delight in who you are! I appreciate you and give thanks to My Father for creating you. And I thank you, My friend, for giving yourself to Me.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill me with the joy that comes from being a beloved child of the Father. Help me to reach my full potential as a saint in today's world. Hail Mary... 27LENTEN PRAYER: Wednesday of Holy WeekLENTEN PRAYER: Wednesday of Holy WeekGive to Jesus your commitment to speak his words to others and hold back all that is unloving, unkind, unholy. Jesus says: “Proclaim the kingdom of God in the way that I call you to serve.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and empower me to be one of Your prophets. Give me the words to speak, as Jesus promised You would do (in Luke 12:12), and give me a sense of timing so that I know when to speak. Furthermore, make me very uncomfortable with words that are unholy and crude and ideas that are not the truth. Hail Mary... 28LENTEN PRAYER: Holy ThursdayLENTEN PRAYER: Holy ThursdayGive to Jesus your pain from old and new wounds. Jesus says: “I give you the pain that I feel in My heart, caused by the sins and wounds of others, and through this I call you to love the sinners unconditionally.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and heal me. Heal my mind and my soul, but use the wounds I've endured to increase my compassion for others. Help me to remember that when others hurt me, they too are in pain. Hail Mary... 29LENTEN PRAYER: Good FridayLENTEN PRAYER: Good FridayGive to Jesus your willingness to reach out and heal others with him. Jesus says: “Give to them My embrace. I died for them. Help them to know how much I care.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and unite me so closely to Jesus that I am his hands reaching out with love and comfort and eternal salvation. I offer up my crosses for the healing and salvation of those who have crucified me in any way. Hail Mary... 30LENTEN PRAYER: Holy SaturdayLENTEN PRAYER: Holy SaturdayGive to Jesus your yes to go wherever the Father sends you. Jesus says: “I will be with You always. I walk with you. My Spirit guides you, keeping you on the right path. Be assured that, because we walk together, you will not make lasting mistakes, you will not stray for long. Fear nothing, My wonderful, dear, dear friend, because My love for you is all-consuming, and always victorious.” Pray: Come Holy Spirit and help me to have an Easter Season of great joy and new life that results from taking this Lenten journey with Jesus. Hail Mary...

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The gift Jesus gave you when he suffered and died on Good Friday was his very Self, his entire Self. On our Lenten Journey with Jesus, we invite you to give him a gift of yourself every day – a different gift on each of the 40 days of Lent. Your daily gifts will be like roses you’re strewing upon the path of his journey to Calvary.

See more faith-building resources for Lent on our WordBytes site.

Don’t miss the Lenten reflections that are based on the readings of Catholic Mass! See the Good News Reflection for today.


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