News August 15, 2024

Insider's View newsletter

News from Good News Ministries:

  • 10 ways to serve God in the midst of tragic difficulties
  • This week’s recommended video: Sit With Mary: A Marian Meditation
  • This week’s recommended WordBytes: FAQs about the Blessed Mother Mary

10 ways to serve God in the midst of tragic difficulties

10 ways to serve God in the midst of tragic difficultiesLately, people have been telling me how grateful they are that I’m keeping Good News Ministries  going and growing despite the tragic death of my dear husband and the 2 and 1/2 years prior to that of traumatic difficulties.

Tanya J. says, “Thank you for posting all the GNM reflections despite all — much appreciated.”

Natalina A. says, “I do not know how to console you, but I decided to pray for you and Good News Ministries…. I know the challenges that the ministries are facing are continuing, but the only thing I can do as a member is to continue to support with my prayer.”

Elizabeth C. says, “I want to pray for Terry, and for all people who have lost someone dear to them but just kept on going because, in such a selfless way, they saw their greater value in the world: to serve not only their beloved whom they have lost but people like me who have anguished, laughed, cried and frowned at the interpretations of God’s words by Terry. I’ve lost count on how many years I have been giving a monthly donation (recently reinstated). I rely on you every day, Terry. Your message is the first thing I set my eyes upon each and every morning before I pray the word of God and all the other things that begin my day. I need you. So many more need you. I pray to God that he keeps you strong through this time, opens up new doors for you, and the financial freedom you wish to achieve for GNM is eventually achieved. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.”

Elizabeth donated US$100 with that comment as extra support although she is also giving $100 in monthly support. Praise God for her! When she signed up for the recurring donations, she said, “I hope this donation continues until my life ends. I pray that I get work so I can double this donation each time my finances increase.” What?! She is generous before finding a job?! God will definitely reward her trust in him.

To all those who can only make a donation of prayer: THANK YOU! Your prayers are precious and important. It’s what keeps me going. To all those who can make a donation for our mid-year fundraiser but have not yet done so, PLEASE HELP! It’s what keeps Good News Ministries going.

So, HOW do I keep Good News Ministries going while still grieving the loss of my husband of 48 years? (His death was a nightmare come true.) Here are the ten essentials for serving God amidst tragic difficulties:

(1) Prayer: Even when I had no energy for words and all I could do was rest in the Father’s lap, prayer has kept me connected to God.

(2) Scripture Reading: This is how I heard God reassure me.

(3) Worship: For a while, I couldn’t go to Mass because I was an emotional wreck and I didn’t want to draw attention to myself and away from Jesus. Thank God for internet access to my parish’s Masses! For the first 5 weeks, my dear friend Nancy stayed with me and led our morning prayer. Thank God for Nancy! Once I returned to Mass, I practiced focusing on God instead of my sorrows, although this has not been easy.

(4) Service to Others: My GNM work has given my Ralph-less life a sense of purpose, community, and continuity. I thank God for YOU!

(5) Sharing My Story: It’s good therapy to share with my GNM community what has caused me pain, healing, and growth. It reminds me that I’m not the only person in the world who has endured tragic difficulties. By being open about my experiences, I give support to others who are suffering — I give them hope and inspiration. This gives purpose to my pain.

(6) Gratitude: Jesus is now my one and only Husband. In multiple places, scriptures command that we not forget the needs of orphans and widows; in other words, they hold a special place in God’s heart. Jesus has been treating me more special than he used to — well, it sure seems that way! I’m a favored bride. He even loosens jar lids that I used to rely on Ralph for. So I thank God for even the small blessings. Gratitude shifts my mood from grief to joy.

(7) Seek Support: I’ve spent more time connecting with friends from church. This has led to two new, laughter-producing bonds of friendship with women I barely knew before. We pray for each other and we do fun things together. Other connections have deepened too, and God has weeded out those friends who are more of a drain than they are a support. I also unburden myself and learn coping skills from weekly sessions with a grief therapist — a God-send for sure!

(8) Maintain Integrity: My commitment to living a Christ-like life of serving others despite my tragic difficulties is, in itself, a testimony to the truth that Jesus is real and that faith makes a positive difference.

(9) Forgiveness: When you lose someone who’s very important to you, it’s easy to get lost in “what ifs” — What if the nurse had responded to Ralph’s kidneys shutting down at the first sign of it? What if Ralph had come home from the hospital instead of going to rehab center? What if the hospital surgeon hadn’t suggested an end to this ulcerative colitis by removing his colon while Ralph was so weak? What if Ralph had told me that he was feeling more discouraged and weaker when I thought he was getting stronger? What if God had answered the many prayers being offered for Ralph’s healing? The “what ifs” are dangerous! They trigger anger and unforgiveness toward others, yourself, your loved one who passed away, and God. The “what if” is a signal that we need to focus on forgiving. Say it out loud to stop the terrible questions of “what if?” 

(10) Self-Care: I’ve been using Ralph’s life insurance policy to pay for home repairs and home upgrades that will make my life easier and more secure. I’ve hired a monthly maid service to do the cleaning that Ralph used to do (because of the pains of scoliosis and stenosis in my back). I’ve begun going to a doctor who specializes in pain management. I adopted a dog from the animal shelter for her loyalty and affection. Caring for yourself is not being self-centered. As long as we still desire to serve God, self-care frees us to be more effective in serving others and staying connected to God.

Remember, our tragic difficulties can actually make the world a better place if we persevere, trust the journey, and stay open to God’s guidance and grace.

Please pray about how you can best serve God by supporting Good News Ministries. Thank you and thank God!

Good News Media Library

This week’s recommended video:
Sit With Mary: A Marian Meditation

Pray with me in a Marian meditation about the challenging times in the life of the Blessed Mother Mary when she trusted God. In this 16-minute prayer video, we ask Mary for the grace that we need for trusting God in our difficulties.


Prayer Room

Good News Prayer Room:

Use our collection of Catholic prayers designed with your needs in mind. They will give you hope and a stronger connection to God’s love and support. What do you need prayers for today?


Post your prayer requests @


This week’s recommended WordBytes:
FAQs on the Blessed Mother Mary

Today is the celebration (“feast”) of the Assumption of Mary. Do you have questions about it? Do you have friends, family, or co-workers who question our Catholic beliefs about Mary? Good News Ministries provides the answers to frequently asked questions.


God bless you!

Every morning, I lift up in prayer everyone who helps Good News Ministries in any way (donors, volunteers, prayer supporters, etc.) and all the prayer requests posted on our site. What can I cover in prayer for you? Post your prayer request.

How else can the team and I serve you today? Visit our homepage.

Thank you for reading this newsletter.

Terry ModicaYour servant in Christ,
Terry Modica, Executive Director
Good News Ministries

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