News September 14, 2023

Insider's View newsletter

News from Good News Ministries:

  • Prophetic words about 2020 and where we are today
  • Important Podcast: Exposé of Satanic Plans
  • Plus great links to great content!

Prophetic words about 2020 and where we are today

the holy crossAn article from this newsletter that was posted the final week of 2019 turned out to be prophetic. Since today (September 14) is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, I was moved to share it with you now.

I had been looking for a different  old issue of Insider’s View when I landed on this. It was published just a few short weeks before COVID-19 had begun to infiltrate the world with its lockdowns and political controls and such. The year 2020 would be a turning point in so many ways.

This article, entitled, “Get ready for the Battle of 2020,” is interesting to read again with the hindsight of where we are nearly four years later:

It’s going to be an interesting year. The powers of darkness are getting desperate. We can see it in US politics — the vile hatred that leaves no room for compromise and collaboration. We can see it many other places as well, wherever conservative Christian values are attacked.

For decades, the devil’s strategy has been to subtly lead people away from God, slowly, slowly infiltrating their thinking to get them to increasingly accept sin as good. Now the time has come when good is considered evil by nearly everyone who is not a faithful follower of Christ. And we are hated for standing on God’s side of the battlefield.

Is there reason to fear any of this? Not at all, as I learned two weeks ago when the Lord sent me to an Advent Retreat that was led by Father Jim Blount, SOLT, an exorcist. He is very gifted in the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit and is anointed to see and hear things that make his ministry very powerful.

It was like going to a military briefing to pick up weapons and info about what the enemy is doing and a strategy to attack and win the battle.

Here are a few tidbits of what I learned:

The powers of darkness are fighting harder and more out in the open in a desperate panic because they know their freedom is coming to an end. Christ is coming against them, and Mary, Queen of Heaven, is raising up an army*.

As followers of Christ, we need to be prepared for any kind of suffering. But “Do not live in fear, little flock” (from Luke 12:32), because God will work it for many blessings.

Jesus doesn’t want worriers; he wants warriors. We will win the battle, but we must place ourselves firmly on Christ’s side (repent of our sins, avoid behaving like people of the world, get busy sharing Christ by sharing our stories of faith, don’t miss Mass, fellowship with other believers, let Jesus use your gifts and talents, pray daily and keep your eyes on Jesus all day, and be filled with the Holy Spirit).

Satan is trying to become the father of the human race, supplanting God the Father. This is why fatherhood has been under severe attack. This is what’s behind homosexuality and gender confusion, the breakup of families, the feminizing of men, abortion, and everything else that works against God’s design for marriage and family. And it’s why so many people today have father wounds that hurt their relationship with God The Father. [And this is why I published the book “The Father’s Heart”; see]

Sister Lucia of Fatima said that the final battle for mankind would be over issues relating to marriage and family. She said that Satan would be on a rampage to destroy both.

St. Teresa of Avila and other saints prophesied that St. Joseph, patron saint of fatherhood, would arise to great importance in the world during this time.

That article ended with this note:

“2020” means perfect vision. It needs to be a year of learning and teaching how to see God’s strategies and recognizing the devil’s tactics with clarity.

So, what did we learn? What are we learning about God’s strategies and the devil’s tactics? I believe that a remnant Church came out of the COVID lockdowns — the truly faithful followers of Christ and those who want to become more faithful. Upon this foundation a new vitality in the Church is arising; God is preparing  us to welcome a flood of seekers who have finally hit the proverbial bottom of the pit and, tired of the devil’s tactics, want to find out that the Catholic Christian faith is a home for healing, victories, miracles, and compassionate community.

This is the exaltation of the holy cross that we have all been carrying!

And by the way —

Mary's Armor*Mary, Queen of Heaven, is raising up an army! Recently I became part of a new movement called Mary’s Armor. I’m helping them plan a retreat for the weekend of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7) and I’m assisting their webmaster to improve their website.

Mary’s Armor is a divinely inspired way of seeing Mary Our Queen as our Hope and our Protector. This movement came into existence in April of 2020 and has rapidly spread to more than 20 countries. It began when Mary appeared to the founder wearing the Armor with a mission to help us prepare for the chaos in the world today and for what is to come. This image shows what she looked like.

In a private revelation, she said:

“Look around you, my daughter, what do you see? Hopelessness. People are falling away from my Son and His Body. They have lost hope because the enemy has stolen their hearts and gave them false hopes into destructions. Even my true lovers are losing hope because of things around them. Mary’s Armor, the Hope and Protector of the vulnerable, is here to give hope back to God’s children that all is not lost despite all the calamities around the world….

“I came to shield them from the wicked one, the enemy, the proud and disobedient evil one, the Lucifer, with my virginal Mantle of protection — as a Mother Warrior to give God’s children reassurance of God’s Mercy, and I will do all I can to intercede for My children [and protect them] from the evil one.”

For more information, visit

Footsteps to Heaven podcast show with Terry Modica

Recommended podcast episode:
Exposé of Satanic Plans

In this episode, originally recorded in September 2019, I expose the satanic plans and generational strategy of Satan worshipers, sharing what I learned from a satanist high priest who converted to Christ. It’s part 2 of a 6-part series based on a book of Pope Francis’ teachings on defeating Satan. In it, I reveal the agenda of Satan worshipers and their secret methods of infiltration for the goal of influencing our society and even our churches to destroy us from within. No one should miss this important information. It clarifies a lot of what’s happening in our world today and why we need Mary’s Armor now.

Listen @

Prayer Room

Good News Prayer Room:

Use our collection of Catholic prayers designed with your needs in mind. They will give you hope and a stronger connection to God’s love and support. What do you need prayers for today?


Post your prayer requests @


Good News WordBytes:

WANT MORE FAITH and HOPE in TROUBLED TIMES? WE’RE HERE for YOU! Choose from a variety of topics on our website of Catholic Faith-building articles. What do you need today?


Good News Media Library

Explore our Catholic Video Library for Faith Growth

Turn Sunday after Mass into a retreat day; watch videos from our library of faith-builders:

God bless you!

Every morning, I lift up in prayer everyone who helps Good News Ministries in any way (donors, volunteers, prayer supporters, etc.) and all the prayer requests posted on our site. What can I cover in prayer for you? Post your prayer request.

How else can the team and I serve you today? Visit our homepage.

Thank you for reading this newsletter.

Terry ModicaYour servant in Christ,
Terry Modica, Executive Director
Good News Ministries

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