If God wanted you to perish, He would take you away when you were sinning. Since you have sinned so much and still live, you are invited to repentance.
Saint Quote: English
The proud person is like a grain of wheat thrown into water: it swells, it gets big. Expose that grain to the fire: it dries up, it burns. The humble soul is like a grain […] Read More
In order to avoid discord, never contradict anyone except in case of sin or some danger to a neighbor. And when necessary to contradict others, do it with tact and not with temper.
No one would complain about the cross or about hardships coming seemingly by chance upon him, if he realized in what balance they are weighed before being distributed to men.
There is no holiness without the grace of God. And this grace can be obtained by our prayers.
Anyone who wishes to pray must choose not only the right place but also the right time. A time of leisure is best and most convenient. The deep silence when others are asleep is particularly […] Read More
The Christian life is a continuation and completion of the life of Christ in us. We should be so many Christs here on earth, continuing His life and His works, laboring and suffering in a […] Read More
I hold that each poor man, every vagrant, each beggar is Christ in person who carries his cross. And as Christ, we must love him and help him. We must treat him as a brother, […] Read More
Who teaches the soul but God? There is no better instruction for the world than what comes from God.
Make strangers welcome in this land. Let them keep their languages and their customs, for weak and fragile is the realm which is based on a single language or on a single set of customs.