Saint Jerome

Be at peace with your own soul, then heaven and earth will be at peace with you.

Saint Joseph Cupertino

Clearly, what God wants above all is our will, which we received as a free gift from God in creation and possess as though our own. When a man trains himself to acts of virtue, […] Read More

Saint Robert Bellarmine

Be wise, my soul, and trust in God alone, cling to Him alone, and cast all your cares on Him alone.

Saint Cyprian of Carthage

If the bond of peace is broken, if the rights of fraternal charity are violated, if truth is altered or disguised, it is often envy that hurries a person on to crime. What happiness can […] Read More

Blessed Paolo Manna

The missionary is nothing if he does not put on the person of Jesus Christ. Only the missionary who copies Jesus Christ faithfully in himself can reproduce His image in the souls of others.

Blessed Juvenal Ancina

Oftentimes, when we least expect it, when there seems no chance of it, we are suddenly snatched out of this life. Why then do we not follow the saving advice of Saint Paul and devote […] Read More

Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre

O my Divine Savior, transform me into Yourself. May my hands be the hands of Jesus. Grant that every faculty of my body may serve only to glorify You.