May God make us worthy to listen to what is fitting for us and do it. For in the measure that we pay fitting attention and take care to carry out what we hear, God […] Read More
Saint Quote: English
We are not Christians because of an ethical idea or decision, but because we met Jesus Christ.
If my efforts stop just one sin from being committed, I shall consider them worthwhile.
Behold those little pieces of straw which the world tramples under its feet. They are the virtues practiced by the Savior.
At every step I feel the power of God. Wherever I am, whatever happens to me, I am in the hands of Divine Providence which watches over nations and over every individual!
Be burning flames that inflame with God’s love all those you come in contact with.
According to the divine plan, action must be fed with prayer. The interior life is the wellspring of the apostolate. Do not believe in the slogan, “The priest is sanctified in sanctifying others”, it’s an […] Read More
O Lord, grant us that love which can never die, which will enkindle our lamps but not extinguish them, so that they may shine in us and bring light to others.
How can we move on with our lives and not waste time thinking about our hurts? We can turn to Jesus to free us from things that block us from living our life to the […] Read More
My Lord, since you are keeping me company, do not let us go any more where there are other persons, but let us go alone to some mountains, for with your company nothing will be […] Read More