If your desire and aim is to reach the destination of the path and home of true happiness, of grace and glory, by a straight and safe way, then earnestly apply your mind to seek […] Read More
Saint Quote: English
We can tell the solution of any question not through our own reasoning but from what follows from the Scriptures.
Kept aloof from God? Why should you avoid so tender a parent–a Savior, who has poured out the last drop of his blood for you? Nay, rather turn and meet Him who has been running […] Read More
I am willing to devote my life to the leprosy victims. It is absolutely necessary for a priest to remain here. The harvest is ripe.
United and content with little, we go out into the whole world, into the tiniest villages, into the poorest dwellings, wherever the Lord calls us, to bring poor children the good news of the Reign […] Read More
The imitation of Christ in the lives of saints is always possible and compatible with every state of life. The saints did but one thing: the will of God. But they did it with all […] Read More
I want to serve Him as much as pleases Him and nothing more.
My love (My God), what can I do to make the whole world love you? Make use once again of this wretched instrument to renew the faith and conversion of sinners.
One thing you may be sure of, that while you work for God, whether you succeed or not, He will amply reward you.
Let us work… while we are on earth because this is all God asks of us. There is no better prayer that we could offer Him than our dedication to work.