Saint Athanasius of Alexandria

If… it is by the sign of the cross and by faith in Christ that death is trampled underfoot, it is clear that it is Christ Himself and none other Who is the Archvictor over […] Read More

Blessed Giles of Assisi

A sinner ought never to despair of the mercy of God while he lives; for there is hardly a tree so thorny and gnarled that men may not make it smooth and pretty and ornament […] Read More

Blessed Marie Guyart

One must undertake all things for the service of God and the salvation of one’s neighbor.

Saint Catherine of Siena

Everything comes from love; all is ordained for the salvation of man. God does nothing without this goal in mind.

Saint Louis Marie de Montfort

It is the Spirit of God which animates you and prompts you. Henceforth, then, be without fear and follow your inspirations.

Saint John of the Cross

It is best to learn to silence the faculties and to cause them to be still so that God may speak.

Saint John Eudes

Mercy and justice resemble two sisters inseparable and holding each other by the hand. Whenever mercy is, there also is justice; where justice goes, mercy follows.

Saint Pedro Betancourt

At a sick man’s side, you can pray as much as you want, and God will hear you as well as in Church.

Blessed Francis X. Seelos

Make it your basic principle of life to accept daily whatever hardships your state in life, your duty, or circumstances bring with them.