Do not worry about anything. Do the little you can. You can be sure that you will make mistakes again, but you should never stop being happy and peaceful. You will see that, by falling […] Read More
Saint Quote: English
However severe God’s guidance may seem at times, it’s always the guidance of a Father who is infinitely good, wise, and kind. He leads us to our goal by different paths.
Our obedience to God’s will must be total, without reserve, and constant.
Do not be dismayed by toil or suffering, nor by the meager fruit of your labors. Remember that God rewards not according to results, but effort.
May God defend us from the evil one and from his designs, for fierce is his struggle against us.
During the course of the day, recollect as often as you can that you stand in the presence of God. Consider what He does and what you are doing. You will find His eyes turned […] Read More
Every Priest who preaches the Word of God in times of persecution has no escape; he will die like Jesus on the Cross, with arms tied. (1882-1928 A.D.) Martyr. Feast Day March 10
Of the two thieves on the cross one prays and goes to heaven and the other swears and dies. (…) Prayer is mandatory for everyone: the sinners and the just. Without prayer, sinners will not […] Read More
At the workbench where he plied his trade together with Jesus, (Saint) Joseph brought human work closer to the mystery of the Redemption. (1920-2005 A.D.) Feast day October 22. For the Feast of Saint Joseph […] Read More
Therefore, let us love and embrace penance with all our heart, because while it is a just reparation for the past it is also a guard against falling again and a useful means to increase […] Read More