I have learnt in this dark and long imprisonment, that there is nothing better, nothing more holy, than solitude: in solitude I intend to go on learning divine things and to try to rise higher. […] Read More
Saint Quote: English
If there be a true way that leads to the Everlasting Kingdom, it is most certainly that of suffering, patiently endured. (1381-1447 A.D.) Feast day March 6
Christ wishes the Christian community to be a body that is perfect because we work together towards a single end, and the higher the motive which actuates this collaboration, the higher will be the union. […] Read More
As often as God disturbs the sky, yet spares us still, we should implore God’s mercy, examining the innermost recesses of our hearts and purging out the dregs of our sins, and behave with such […] Read More
Be joyful, and keep your faith and your creed. Do the little things that you have seen me do and heard about. I will walk the path that our fathers have trod before us. ( […] Read More
May work and suffering for God always be your glory, and in your work and suffering may God be your consolation on this earth, and your recompense in heaven.
86 years I have served Him and He has done me no wrong. How can I blaspheme my King and my Savior? (69-155 A.D.) Bishop. Feast day February 23
In times of desolation, God conceals Himself from us so that we can discover for ourselves what we are without Him.
I have given everything to my Master: He will take care of me. The best thing for us is not what we consider best, but what the Lord wants of us.
Patience is a heavenly gift, a gift from the Heavenly Father. With patience, and love for your fellow men, you become a victor in life’s continual trials.