Want to live in God’s abundance?
Download our ebook of photos and reflections today!

12 inspiring reflections beautifully illustrated (28 pages).
All photos in this book are original art by Terry Modica.

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Excerpt from “Living in God’s Abundance”:

We think we know what we want, but God wants more for us than that. We think we know what’s best for us, but God has something even better in mind – far better.
     With our small imaginations, we plan and picture and strive to possess what we think will make us happy. God’s imagination is limitless, and yet we often think that what He wants is contrary to what would make us happy. So, with our puny minds and hugely self-benefitting prejudices about what should be right and what should be wrong, we rationalize that what is immoral is really morally okay and we spin our own interpretations onto what Scripture tells us is the best way to live.
     This is not just the “why” of sin; it is also the reason why we close ourselves off from God’s abundance. God’s abundant goodness, God’s abundant generosity, and God’s abundant love are not as available to us as He would like them to be, because we insist on protecting and maintaining  our small view of the Truth.
     To open up to the greater goodness of God, we have to dare to break through the walls of the little world we’ve been trying to protect, the world of our own making that holds within it the lesser life that we created for ourselves. Like a blossoming bud, we have to allow the light of truth to change us.


Living in God’s Abundance


Living in God's Abundance photobookFill out this form to download the 28-page PDF ebook: 12 inspiring reflections by Terry Modica, beautifully illustrated with the author’s photos. Suggested donation: US$5.00 (see additional form below) to keep this ministry going.

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About the Author:

Terry Modica converted to Catholicism in 1977, drawn by the Eucharist. At that time, she began to study official Church teachings in order to understand and dig deep into her new faith. Always involved in her parishes, she gained a reputation for inspirational teaching and spiritual leadership in Adult Religious Education, prayer groups, Parish Council, and as diocesan staff writer. She has a degree in Theology, and has been certified by the Diocese of Trenton, NJ, for Pastoral Administration, and is a certified graduate of the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida.

She is co-founder and Executive Director of Good New Ministries, the author of the popular daily Good News Reflections and has been teaching courses and seminars on the Catholic Catechism and Church documents since 1994.

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