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Pray our Stations of the Cross to find relief for your own sufferings. Embrace your trials as union with Jesus on the journey to glory.  You are entering into an interactive prayer experience.  At the end, you will be able to download a printable PDF copy of this.

Our sufferings have eternal value if we unite them to the Passion of Christ.

Jesus is present when we suffer, but if we expect him to remove our pain quickly to prove that he cares about us, we fail to recognize a more loving plan. We want short-cuts to healing and short-cuts to happiness, but God knows the harm in this. Despite what our expectations insist should happen, God implements the long-term plan, and someday we’ll be very grateful.


My Lord Jesus Christ:

You suffered a great deal for me. I cannot even fathom just how much You accomplished for me through Your sacrifice. What I do know for certain is that I am suffering. I have trials I want to get rid of. But You have shown by your journey to the Cross and your death that I should embrace my sufferings as a journey that will lead to glory. Please help me unite my sufferings to Your Passion, so that I may be healed, purified and strengthened, and so that I may become Your instrument of healing love for others.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Play the song “Were You There?

Jesus, let’s walk together to the first Station of the Cross >>

© 1998 by Terry A. Modica

See also Stations of the Cross by GNM Artists >>

See WordBytes for Lent >>

See Prayers for Everyday life >>

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The Way of the Cross

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2 Replies to “The Way of the Cross

    1. David, were you ever baptized? If you were, even as a baby, you are a child of God and a member of his family, which is the Church. What opens heaven’s door is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. First accept that he died for you because you’re a sinner. Then know that he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. If you choose to follow Christ, he will take you to heaven. Learning how to follow Christ is a life-long, daily process, greatly helped by asking the Holy Spirit to teach you. Pray: “Come Holy Spirit, fill me. Come Holy Spirit, teach me” and add anything else you need help with. Read the Bible, go to church, get involved with your church family, and take every opportunity to get to know more fully God the Father, Jesus his Son, and the Holy Spirit. Here at Good News Ministries, we have LOTS of opportunities to grow your faith. I recommend starting with the daily Good News Reflections (see https://gogoodnews.net). Subscribe to receive these by email or text message. Then explore all the options found at our main website, https://gnm.org, to whatever interests you. The Holy Spirit will guide you!

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