Be a missionary without leaving home!

A few suggestions

ideasJoin us (or become more involved) in the apostleship of the mission of Good News Ministries. You can be a Good News Missionary, serving the Lord with us, changing the world one soul at a time. Here are some ideas on how to do it, but of course you’re not limited to these.

  • Make a list of people you know whom you’d like to see grow closer to Christ: List friends, family, coworkers, members of clubs you belong to, parish leaders and administrators, etc. Go to our Go!GoodNews Network and sign them up for the Good News Reflections or any of our other faith-building subscription services. This will send them an invitation that gives them the opportunity to subscribe or not.
  • Use the same list to send personal emails recommending the website for faith growth and inspiration.
  • Run a prayer campaign for them. How? Pray for them daily, fast for them, and ask the Holy Spirit to open opportunities for them to discover GNM. Include angels in your prayer campaign. Ask your Guardian Angel to speak to their Guardian Angels about nudging them toward this discovery.
  • Frequently share the webpage our content on Facebook and the other social sites you belong to. A missionary is someone who wants lots more people to read and understand the scriptures.
  • When viewing a Good New Reflection in your phone, long-press on its photo-quote to save a copy of the image. Then share it via your phone, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
  • Think of someone who’s suffering and recently mentioned it to you. Look through the Good News WordBytes (our online magazine of faith-building articles) and find one that will minister to him/her, then provide the link by email or text message.
  • Once a week, find a Good News WordByte that ministers to you, and share it on Facebook and the other social sites you belong to.
  • Send me your story about how the Lord has ministered to you through Good News Ministries. We’ll share it with others in our weekend newsletter Insider’s View or our website or Annual Report or other communication opportunities.
  • Check our “Join the Team: Your Help is Wanted” page for ideas:

Tell us how you will serve as an Ambassador of Good News Ministries and we will add you to our Hall of Fame and give you certificate instating you!

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One Reply to “How to be a Good News Ambassador”

  1. Thank you for this sharing I have been and still am trying to help a person just released from prison. Because he has mental issues my task is even harder. Reading your message of St Paul I feel I must strive harder and trust that The Lord will guide me.
    Thank you

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