Friday December 22, 2023

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

“Like Mary, we are called to give birth Jesus, sharing his greatness with others.”

Good News Reflection for:

Friday of the Third Week of Advent
December 22, 2023

Today’s Prayer:

Blessed be You, Lord, because through Mary You fulfilled the promise of salvation for each of us. Amen.

SaintsSubscribe to Today’s Saint Quote & Prayer:

Today’s Readings:

1 Samuel 1:24-28
1 Sam 2:1, 4-8abcd
Luke 1:46-56
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

We proclaim the greatness of the Lord!

[ Listen to the podcast of this reflection ]

Mary, the Blessed Mother of Christ, is our best example of how to change the world. Like her, we are called to give birth Jesus, sharing his greatness with others. It starts, as she shows us in today’s Gospel reading, by proclaiming the greatness of the Lord even before that greatness has been fully birthed.

Mary’s Magnificat is a powerful prayer that we can use whenever we’re rejoicing in a blessing received or when we’re sorrowful over a need for blessings that we have not yet received. Here is an adaptation of the Magnificat for our own lives. Pray it with me.

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord: Rejoice! No matter how terrible a problem is, God is greater. Rejoice!

My spirit rejoices in God my savior: Rejoice! Even when I feel unhappy, my spirit rejoices deep inside, because I know that God is my savior. He is rescuing me even now, although I cannot yet see it nor understand how.

The Almighty has done great things for me: Rejoice! God is doing great things for me. And he will do great things for me. And he will do great things through me. I want to see my sufferings become valuable and useful, instead of futile and pointless, so that they no longer feel so terrible. Disasters have not defeated me, they have carried me to new life. I am giving birth to Jesus by taking what I’ve learned from my trials and using it in ministry for the benefit of others.

He has shown the strength of his arm and has scattered the proud in their conceit: Rejoice! When I handle difficult people the way Jesus did, I am revealing to them his strength and his superiority. On my own, I would get rid of these people much more quickly, but then I’d miss out on seeing a greater victory. The plans of God take longer than my own, because he’s orchestrating everything and inviting everyone to conversion, new growth, and healing. Eventually, those who say yes to him will be saved by his strength, and those who reject him will stumble into their self-made pitfalls.

He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and lifted up the lowly: Rejoice! In my desire to place God as my highest priority and make the ways of God my only goals, he has protected me from those who have tried to put me down. No matter what they do to me, they cannot take me away from God nor from his goodness. Although they might seem to lord it over me and win battles against me, only God is my Lord, and in the final battle, Jesus will destroy all evil.

He has filled the hungry with good things: Rejoice! I have nothing eternally valuable except that which I receive from God, and when I turn to him for nourishment, he feeds me from his great abundance. I have his patience for the troubles I experience and for the wait that I’m enduring, and I have his supernatural love for the people who seem impossible to love.

He has come to the help of his servant: Rejoice! I am never alone. His love for me knows no bounds. Holy is his name!

Amen! Rejoice!

For more on the topic of this subject, see our WordByte called: “What motivates you during tough times?” @

© 2023 by Terry A. Modica

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