Friday February 9, 2024

God is speaking Good News

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

“God has guidance that he wants to give you today, but you’ll need to work at keeping your ears open all day.”

Good News Reflection for:

Friday of the 5th Week of Ordinary Time
February 9, 2024

Today’s Prayer:

Lord, I beg You for this grace: May my heart be always ready to listen and obey You knowing You only desire what is best for me. Amen.

SaintsSubscribe to Today’s Saint Quote & Prayer:

Today’s Readings:

1 Kings 11:29-32; 12:19
Ps 81:10-15
Mark 7:31-37
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

Hearing God’s voice

[ Listen to the podcast of this reflection ]

What is God telling you but you’re too deaf to hear? I am not asking IF you’re deaf to something, for we all have partial hearing losses.

In today’s Gospel reading, the deaf man started listening even before he could hear! He listened to God’s voice inviting him to find new growth and healing. In the same way, God speaks to us in our consciences before we hear it in our minds.

We’re living in a noisy world, so it takes effort to hear what the Lord is saying. He’s speaking to us all the time. Every moment of every day. He’s actually quite chatty!

When was the last time you heard him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” I’m sure he has — today even. (Hey, sometimes just getting out of bed gains us a “well done!” from our Lord.)

When was the last time you heard him say, “I made this day for you! Isn’t it wonderful? Sure we’re sharing in some trials today, but listen to the birds singing! It’s a song I taught them to sing for you!”

Sometimes, we’re deaf because we don’t believe he’s saying what he’s saying. Sometimes, we’re deaf because we’re too stubborn to accept his message. He then tries to reach us through other methods, including the people around us. Listen! He might use the least likely person; God’s got a sense of humor like that — or maybe it’s a sense of fairness.

God has guidance that he wants to give you today, but you’ll need to work at keeping your ears open all day. God is also trying to correct you about something, warning you about a sin you’re vulnerable to today. And he’s giving you words of encouragement, hope, comfort, and rejoicing. Will you be able to hear all of this? Are you willing to hear all of it?

His voice is waiting in the scriptures, in Christian music, in that spiritual book you’ve got sitting on your table, in your children or your spouse or the friend you “accidentally” bump into. His ways of communicating are as infinite and as creative as he is.

Give him your deafness each morning, and if you truly want to hear, you’ll get more guidance, more comfort, more affirmation, and more “All right! Way to go, my child! Well done, good and faithful servant! Hooray for you! I love you!”

You might hear the angels singing to God about what he has done in your life. They have a chorus going right now. Shhhh …. listen!

If you want to go on reflecting on Mark 7:31-37, watch our video: “God sometimes does it weird” @

© 2024 by Terry A. Modica

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Continue your prayer time with these:
Pray with Saints | Pray the Rosary | Other Prayers | Random Quotes.


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Terry's books, 30 Days to the Father's Heart, and My Soul Shall Be Healed

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