Sunday February 25, 2024

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

“We are faithful Christians if we do not withhold the Son, Jesus, from the people we encounter.”

Good News Reflection for:

Second Sunday of Lent
February 25, 2024

Today’s Prayer:

Thank you for the moments of joy in the midst of trials, Lord! Those are the moments that strengthen me and transform me every day, so that I become more like You and less like me. Amen.

SaintsSubscribe to Today’s Saint Quote & Prayer:

Today’s Readings:

Genesis 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18
Ps 116:10, 15-19
Romans 8:31b-34
Mark 9:2-10
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

The ‘mountaintop experience’ of Lent

[ Listen to the podcast of this reflection ]

Think of a “mountaintop experience” you’ve had. What was the peak moment of that? What generated it? What did it mean for you? Did it change your life forever or was it just a momentary high?

In Biblical symbolism, a mountain represents getting close to God. Did your mountaintop experience bring you closer to God?

It was at the top of Mount Tabor where Jesus revealed the glory of his Godliness to his closest friends. Called a “high mountain” in scripture, Mount Tabor is, in reality, not huge. What was huge is the event that took place there — and why.

Some of the most significant moments in our spiritual lives might not have felt like a mountaintop experience, but indeed they were.

The three disciples who witnessed Christ’s transfiguration greatly benefited from seeing his glory revealed, because someday they would be commissioned to take over his earthly ministry.

The Father told them, “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.” As we listen to Jesus, it is we who are now transfigured.

Lent is meant to be a mountaintop experience for each of us. If we follow Jesus up the mountain, his light will consume any darkness within us.

The more we listen to his teachings and apply them to our daily lives and ministries, the more we become like him. And the more we become like Jesus, the more our lives are transfigured by his light, and the more our lives then transfigure the world around us.

As the first reading tells us, Abraham did not withhold his son from the Lord, just like God the Father did not withhold his Son from us.

Likewise, we are faithful to the responsibilities of Christian living if we do not withhold the Son from the people we encounter. Whether it’s through an evangelizing word or a helping hand, or a compassionate and attentive ear, or the generous giving of mercy and forgiveness or money or time, we are Christ’s hands and feet and voice in the world today. We are his earthly body. We are the answers to people’s prayers.

We have been empowered through our baptisms to shine with the glory of Christ’s love. We have all been commissioned to continue his earthly ministry. May the experience of Lent take us to new heights of union with Christ and his mission!

Questions for Personal Reflection:
Identify one area of your life that you would like Jesus to transfigure. What do you need to do to repent of it? How do you need to change (with God’s help) so that others see more of Jesus?

Questions for Community Faith Sharing:
Share the story of a time when you let Jesus change you. How difficult was it to be transfigured? Why did you want to make the change? How did it impact others?

For more ont his issue, see our Faith Booster: “Your Biggest Problem Is Smaller than You Think” @

© 2024 by Terry A. Modica

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February 24, 2024 4:19 pm

Twelve years ago I went back to confession and received the Holy Eucharist. I hadn’t been going to Mass because I followed the way of the world and thought it brought me happiness and drowned my sorrows of 2 divorces.
I found peace and love especially from my children, family and friends and The Lord has since given me So many mountain top experiences since then, I could fill a whole book with them.
Every morning I wake up and Thank Him for my life and the daily blessings I get for my beautiful children, brothers and sisters who still love me.