Monday September 2, 2024

The Holy Spirit changes hearts

Good News Reflections:
Making scripture meaningful to your daily life
by Terry Modica

You are called to be the presence of Christ wherever you are and in everything you do.

Good News Reflection for:

Monday of the 22nd Week of Ordinary Time
September 2, 2024

Today’s Prayer:

Father, I am sorry for the times I have underestimated the gifts You have given me. You anointed me to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth. Please shepherd me with Your love so that I never wander from You, and show me Your will in each of my steps. Amen.

Daily Prayer and ReflectionUNITE IN COMMUNITY PRAYER!
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Today’s Readings:

1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Ps 119:97-102
Luke 4:16-30
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

How to bring others to conversion

[ Listen to the podcast of this reflection ]

All of us are called to be evangelizers. You are a missionary right now, where God has already placed you, touching the lives of everyone who encounters you. You are called to be the presence of Christ wherever you are and in everything you do.

Don’t be discouraged when you fail at convincing someone to go to church or to trust in Jesus. The question is: Have you allowed yourself to get caught up in an argument? St. Paul tells us, in today’s first reading, to rely instead on “the convincing power of the Spirit”. No one is inspired into conversion when debates feel more like arguments than friendly explorations of the truth. People get defensive, because they feel pressured into changing their point of view. Defensiveness closes the ears of their hearts, and then they cannot listen with understanding.

Only the Holy Spirit grants understanding — it’s a gift — and the Spirit works not in arguments and pushy persuasions, but in love and compassion.

Paul preached nothing but Jesus Christ crucified: with his words and in how he served. However, the crucifixion is not a pleasant topic. And yet, Christ’s sacrifice is a far more persuasive reason to believe in God’s love than anything we could ever say in a debate.

When unbelievers are ready to see what Jesus did for them on Good Friday, their resistance melts. When they understand why he did it, they experience conversion. But how can we help them see and understand without getting into arguments?

We preach Jesus most effectively by the sacrifices that we make in his name. By serving the needs of others (especially when they’ve not been kind to us) and imitating Jesus who went to the cross for those who sinned against him, we give a powerful testimony of God’s love.

Since there are no quick journeys to faithfulness, we’ll probably have lots of time and plenty of opportunities to show that we really care — repeatedly — before they are ready to understand the connection between our sacrificial love and Christ’s. Then we must be ready to use words to explain God’s love. This is much more effective than making them feel guilty about not going to church.

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus begins the synagogue lesson — and his public ministry — with: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.” It was the Holy Spirit who anointed Jesus and sent him into the world to preach. Likewise, it’s the Holy Spirit who anoints you and me and sends us out from Mass to take Christ into the world. And it’s the Holy Spirit (not us) who changes the hearts of those we evangelize.

Not everyone will pay attention to what the Holy Spirit is doing and saying through us. Some will reject the truth no matter how greatly we love them. But when people do experience conversion and spiritual growth, their new faith will be founded not on our wisdom, but on the power of God.

Reflect more about this topic using our video, “Hearing the Holy Spirit” @

© by Terry A. Modica, Good News Ministries

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