January 10 – Saint Gregory of Nyssa

Saint Gregory of Nyssa

Dear Jesus, Saint Gregory of Nyssa was raised in a very holy family. His mother St. Emily and his father St. Basil the Elder had ten children. His grandmother was St. Macrina the Elder. His siblings included St. Macrina the Younger, St. Theosebia, St. Peter of Sebaste, and the famous Basil the Great. In 372, his brother Basil ordained him the bishop of Nyssa in Cappadocia, Greece. The two of them put much effort into defending the Faith against Arianism. Heretics deposed him twice from his see using false accusations. In 378 he was finally victorious and returned to his work. Lord Jesus, give me the same determination and courage to proclaim the truths of the Catholic Faith. Saint Gregory of Nyssa, pray for me. Amen.

Quotes for Today

Saint Gregory of Nyssa (335-395 A.D.)

quoteA man who openly despises the accolades of this world and rejects all earthly glory must also practice self-denial. Such self-denial means that you never seek your own will but God’s, using God’s will as a sure guide.”

quoteAs no darkness can be seen by anyone surrounded by light, so no trivialities can capture the attention of anyone who has his eyes on Christ.”

quoteThe Lord does not say that it is blessed to know something about God, but rather to possess God in oneself: ‘Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God’ (Matthew 5:8).”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

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